
Comments of chapter undefined of My Senior Brother is Too Steady


Aparagodaniya ,the herd seeking ruby red continent of the west . Purvavideha of the east , white and circular . Jambudvipa , southern blue and lush with life ,the home of humanity . Uttarakuru ,the northern green continent void . These are the 4 continents that surround the spiritual mountain ..on that note ,the book has really yet to make it clear if the western sect and their spiritual mountain is in aparagodaniya ,or if the western continent is the entire 4 continents surrounding the spiritual mount meru where the 2 saints live . I'm inclined to believe the latter given the scale of story involving universal minor major chiliocosms . On that note ,the world is not only born of Pangu ,but also of the dead godfiends and other otherwordly beasts he has killed . Living beings need external material to grow , the universe too devours invaders to fuel its own growth . Reverend insanity uses chaos tribulations and venerables to cultivate itself , emperor domination uses cycles of true anima ,heavens will and chaos to create ever stronger epochs . This is an ever present concept in cultivation stories ever since the ancient myths ... Although right now , the universe needs to fully stabilize its own cycle before it grows any further . Hong Yun will make it stronger than Pangu ever was , the child ever surpasses the parent .


Hmm, this info dump was quite informative. Thanks.


He really is scared of the karma of being the teacher of the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother. It would be nice if he's forced to actually take a genuine teaching role and has to deal with the consequences. Seems like the business at Xuan Du city isn't just to remove our Great Daoist Master from the picture for a while. Changshou has to get his hands dirty too. Do Lovecraftian horrors await him? Let's find out next time.


Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter.