
Comments of chapter undefined of Beauty and the Beasts


Lol people are funny about the outcome of this chapter,there are a lot of other Webnovel that start with rape and your complainig about this one ok calm down people.


I’m not mocking no one lol and i love this story but I’m not going over board with it

Aly_Tipton:Maybe because this is the only story They read, maybe because the one good male character that everyone loved they turned into a flaming trash fire. just because you dont take it seriously doesnt mean you get to Mock those of us who do.

Stop acting so suprised, people. This book has been laced in sexual abuse/trama themes for many chapters. In a way, I appreciate these things being included because these topics are not visited enough in fictional novels and I feel it is healthy for people to discuss these topics openly. I do agree, however that there should have been a trigger warning. Rape often takes place between the victim and someone they know. There are also countless abiguities when it comes to rape, especially when one or more person involved is under the influece. Like it or not, this exact same scenario happenes irl between two humans, so please keep an open mind, and remember that personal growth of each character is a huge part of the story. (Except BQQ for some reason). Sorry to anyone who is a victim of rape or sexual abuse. Please go to therapy if you haven't already. <3

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Dreams of White Tresses

Dreams of White Tresses

I think for me personally, the reason this incident left an especially bad impression was because it was Winston. Because he's so sweet, kind, and gentle with BQ, we trusted him and many of us have been rooting for him. We all know that rape happens in the story especially thanks to Becky's brutal tale but we were blind sighted with our trust in Winston. I appreciate this story as whole but it's disappointing to me that the author decided to poison what I thought would be the sweetest relationship.


I just read the coments, but i don’t think the same, in previous chapters explain how this happens. Wiston neven try to rape her, even he was under poison effects plus the flowers. He fears the danger, the pain and the way he doing with her. In the moment he asked not remove the mark, but telling her “he never going to touch her again “ feels like he never wants to her be in danger or in pain less because he was the cause.


Im gonna make a comment on the previois chapter leading up to this so people can know to skip if they need to, since the authors dont seem to care about the readers or characters


I dont know how i feel about thIs... i read the last chapter before bed and actually didnt sleep well. i was really disturbed and dissapointed by the change in events. I cant imagine starting a relationship with this incident hanging over their heads. it’ll come out eventually and I just hope Curtis doesnt kill Winston.


it is just a story not like real girls can give birth to snake eggs and leopard cubs.people get to worked up over stuff


So we’re normalizing and romanticizing rape now? Disgusting. This is sick and twisted and the readers deserve better. The characters deserve better. The end result of them being spouses could have been achieved any other way and it would’ve been better. This was violent and disturbing and completely unnecessary. I’m not sure if I can keep reading after these chapters


well not the way i was hoping for bai to admit her feelings..i wonder how the other two would react to his mark


BQ had feelings for Winston but she was just scared of Curtis and Parker. I agree that the plot could’ve been better and should have included warnings, even though it’s just a story and we should all move on, it can be traumatic for some. I’ve read worse stories involving brutal rapes and torture on FL. It still doesn’t justify that *** without consent is normal, it’s Rape. Although, it was the same with Curtis and Parker as well when she conceived the cubs, it’s still disheartening. We can just let go thinking this is just a story.




I will not be up voting this story anymore. the smooth way in which you accept sexual assault by a tiger. like ladies we are aware that they have barbed spikes on their bits right. the fact that the snake couldn't even teleport to save her.


Oh nooooo! I am conflicted about this chapter. My heart breaks for Wilson! :(


my heart is breaking for all of them!


Im glad that she understand winston... Although im against what he did to bai... At least there in good terms to deal with their situation. Hope curtis and parker will accept him and respect bai decisions..🤔but winstons needs some beating from parker and curtis. It's still bad winston...!, 😔



Some of y'all seem fine with the fact that he raped her in front of her traumatized friend and her children.


Yay!!! Tiger babies!!


i hate it!!! i hate that it happened this way!!! i wanted Winston to be her spouse but never this way!!! i imagined a different scenario where she would finally accept him as spouse and he would be very considerate and gentle!!! BUT NEVER THIS!!! and I'm soooo disappointed i would never feel the same way about Winston again...😔😔😔


It wasn’t right what happened, But I think she forgets she lives in a world of beasts and has been extremely privileged and lucky up until now. BQ has been stringing wInston along and I think oN some level him being poSioned and thE flowers she knew it was one of those things that She probably should have taken him for a mate already and this wouldnt have happened. I think she realized having him As just a protector and nothing else Was wrong at least in their culture (animalS aren’t humans they have completely different insticts) and thats why when posioned And with the flowers she realized On some level she was wrong and this wouldn’t Have Happened if She was realistic in the beginning. That being said rApe is wrong on so many levels and what happened wasn’t right. I think to get through it though thats where heR mental state is and needs to be otherWise there is no moving past this for Her mentally or for her othEr mates. Also I do agree a little heads up would have been nice. I was definitely Rooting for winsTon and I think mentally this might scar him more than her in some ways. I See him has being frightened to ever tough her again and going far beyound thE call of a normal mate. I wouldnt be surprised if hE in some way tries to throW his life away while protecting her recklessly in hopes of dying