
Comments of chapter undefined of Psychic Parasite


I felt like this volume was more of a prequel to be honest.

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The Six Cities of Humanity - Dawn - Marble - Lost (†) - ?? - ?? - ??

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For all confused ppl of this chapter. I kindly would like to remind you that Light here because his "unfallible" Deific Unraveling skill showed slightly matured Jyorta and because MC earlier only revealed only "the voice" made them think that it was JYORTA that was choosen as successor/second psychic parasite. Therefore weird reaction of Light seeing MC as a kid. They see weird actions of the Jyorta in the childhood as result of creepy haired man influence, not another psychic parasite devouring the kid. So it's not weird that Heima has feelings for Jyorta (MC) as her brother because she simply doesn't knwo he was devoured!


this chapter gives me the feeling as if a piece from the previous chapter is missing, in any case I continue with the reading :)


Still feel nothing for the MC. He’s not her brother. She of all people should hate the mc. She knows that she was losing the very core of her being. That she would have ceased to exist all together if the other parasite got control. So she knows that her brother is gone. Not just dead but soul destroyed and consumed. Being worn like a mask and his ego being used like a puppet

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My hope is, is that as long as the souls of his parents still exist, Jyorta can eventually bring them back. I mean he specializes in manipulating soul energy or souls or whatever it is called so using that he might be able to bring them back. As long as he has two decent host bodies. Bringing them back might even serve as a good starting goal for him. Then along the way he will find a bigger goal to meet after bringing his parents back. So the MC will probably have both types of parasites which may or not be unique for a soul parasite. I am more interested to know what the species of the parasite will be. For Jyorta the parasite would have to be something with strength along with something that fights its enemies up front, preying mantis would fit that character archetype. To represent the MC himself maybe something like a Spider or something of that nature. The Mantis would be a warrior parasite and the Spider would be an esper parasite. Also I dont know if they have therapy in this F'ed up society but finding out you murdered a teacher and a bunch of kids on the same day as finding out both of your parents are dead is the equivalent of sending a mental nuke into somebodies head. Oh I almost forgot that he was inadvertently responsible for his parents death because he caused the death of his mom(by being in a coma and forcing her to worry) which then caused the suicide of his dad. So yeah his mind is going to need to be pieced back together. Now if he can bring back his parents ,eventually, that might help make him partially whole but I still except him to be mentally unfit in some way.

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In this chapter, MC main persona and Jyorta persona are different. Jyorta persona acts right know as decoy, still being feed selective memories by the MC. So while Jyorta has memories of goal of killing Mother Parasite he has no other memories of the Kaushik! Moreover Light believes that his Deific technique is infalligle and didn't discovered main persona soul!


This sucks, all the time trying to hide the truth only to reveal everything without out of the blue

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Looking forward to hearing the outcome of the MC induction ceremony

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Also, comment a specific update time (GMT +8) so that my future chapters can be released at that time. The comment with the highest likes will become fixed~!!!


I'm a little tired of all this, just spinning and spinning but no answer, they introduce you to the family so that in the end the parents die and stay with the sister, so much effort on the part of the MC to hide its origin so that everything is arranged so easily, as that everything was for nothing and still do not give me the detail that the MC the chosen one makes to destroy the parasitic mother , I need motivation, for now I will continue until the MC has its parasite because I am very curious I'll see if I keep going or not later.


i feel the plot was complicated a bit too much, too early

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Wow this story doesnt play around Kills tWo main characters Turns into triller Then fighting light novel Now baSically a spy novel Still supErnatural Its crazy


Im Reading this but not unDerstanDing anything

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good chap!

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the only reason for reading this and standing all that filler was because I thought it would be fun seeing the MC trying to keep his existence a secret and all that. now there is nothing here that I like so I'll be taking my leave, see you guys.

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Congratulations for the first chapter! Took me two days of reading to arrive here. See you in the comments of the 2nd volume!


Man all i cant say to this is... Is that everything got f'ed up so hard and Rip that op housewife