
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


Another thing, does Fex still have Arthur's sword?


We really need to know more about Galen! Is he a Celestial? Does he have the Shadow, Equivalent Exchange or Nullify Ability? ? Although it seems so bonkers and illogical how Galen and even Minny have grown so powerful. Like there's no growth curve or training arc (even if offscreen) like with Ray and Quinn.


Yeah Logan u dont dissapoint, u cant be outplayed by likes like Jim Eno


A simple memory wipe on a mass scale isn’t enough. What happened to AJ and his video archives? There should be video footage that only Logan should have access to and stored on his protected servers. Same for Zinon Graylash? Was the Quinn Talen Museum destroyed on Earth? Maybe Vincent questions why he doesn’t look like the clone of Jim?


I hope the Vampire Demon form can be controlled I am want it to be a power up transformation that doesn't come with the negatives of Bloodsucker form. If it increases his stats by double like Bloodsucker Quinn gets 400 stats if it increases more then that he shouldn't have an issue equalling Ray. Let alone of he can manage to get his hand on 10 spike blood he could get to 800 stats.


I hope this Vampire Demon form isn't something immortui can use to control or put a leash on quinn like how the ancient ones did with the celestial energy


maybe the vampiric demon form is an evolutionary line bringing Quinn closer to immortu but not in a friendly way but in a 'imma take your position' type of way


I think Galen was born able to copy any ability he's seen and the ability to nullify any ability from being around Layla's sword which was Immortui's to begin with and does nullify any ability but who is the entity that is in the sword that takes over Layla and making her hear screams of people wailing in terror and anguish someone Immortui binded inside or to the sword all the people that Immortui killed using the sword way back in Ray's time and turned them into shadow people like Ray's Dad who Ray ended up having to kill maybe it's their souls trapped in the sword wailing in anguish that sword has been a big part of the Talen saga and if Galen can copy abilities why couldn't he copy the swords ability he has been around it from the time he was conceived and was in Layla's womb when whoever did the memory manipulation that protected Minny and Layla from forgetting Quinn and Galen of course being inside of her and maybe just from being Quinn's son he adapted the celestial and Godslayer power so he has high SP points without limitations Galen is going to be a big reason The Talen family changes the whole of the universe even being able to beat Mundus ability that trapped Quinn and is stronger than the antient ones of the Celestials cause he will be able to copy any ability they try to use he will be like Sil but with Celestial abilities and Godslayer abilities just a theory that I hope is even a little right we shall see


calling it now Logan knows of Quinn bc Quinn records all his memories in that huge orb thing, so even if he was changed, he can look back on the orb that he recorded his originals in.


if new form will come with more benefits, and he will be able to wear his armour, then it will actually be huge upgrade. Probably fight with Ray awoken Quinn dragon bloodline just like with Ichigo from Bleach awoken his Quincy powers. Then after mixing IT all together the outcome will probably Something Beyond wildest Imagination and next time Ray will be in huge surprise.


Banger chapter


4th, strange turn?



1 st


I can't believe the bloodsucker form edited now he's going to be stronger I hope his hair doesn't fall off and that he's able to use blood abilities and that he'll be able to tap into his dragon form


Galen 1 year old and already is limitless probably nothing he can't do Quinn and Layla sitting there sth's saying that's our boy lol


ughhh the cliffhangers !!!! I can barely stand it .I think I'm gonna take a week off of reading then come back to 10 chapters. lol


Jim could manipulate everyone's memory but can't change anything that was recorded by video or written down so the name Quinn Talen is still in the universe that's how Logan knows the name but can't remember him and Logan is going to tell him what happened after Mundus trapped him the 6 months that he missed while being stuck in celestial prison cause the Marpo cruise ship was descending on earth and Jack was saying he had waited so long to get his revenge on the Blade family so they must have gotten to them and instead of just wiping them out decided to use them as a blackmail plot against Sil but maybe he never saw the Hilston fight and just assumed Sil was Hilston took the family and told him what he had to do for him now and Truedream had the memory ability already and just had to give it to Sil the ability user with the highest SP points so he could do a memory manipulation on a huge scale like an entire planet at a time or a universal area like all the beast planets and everything around earth but hopefully not as far as the Amra and Mermerial planets


If his blood aura leveled up also, hopefully it won't glance of Ray's armor next time.


Ooh, smart is as smart does, and Logan is a ducking GENIUS!!!!