
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


Whoa!!!! 😲


Third Option: Him and Alex work together to make a new weapon with the God slayer crystal


I dont like the option of him becoming a God Slayer if he can no longer create celestial weapons, dedicated followers or use celestial energy


Honestly, the two options don't make sense. As others have stated, he has already been using a God Slayer ability as a God. This just feels like he is being powered down to make the other Gods pose more of a threat and add unneeded suspense to the story. His power gains have always felt like he takes two steps forward then one and a half steps back every time.


I don’t think he should become a god slayer


so clearly Quinn needs to go help out and absorb the red heart. that would be mega helpful in terms of blood crystals. it is his after all. I don't think god slayer would be a good choice. he would likely lose all his celestial power. while he's strong, the celestial power has been the one thing consistently helping him win fights lately. losing that fire a more powerful weapon would be an incredibly risky move, even with more qi (and potentially blood aura if he does go retrieve the red heart)


Yo what an amazing end of the chapter Quinn hates celestials and now he is a one he has a chance to meet ancient ones and get a big reward. He can talk to them and change the system or strike a deal so other celestials leave earth and Quinn can look after the earth solar system. Being a celestial like he is now other gods will not touch him coz he is too powerful and the other who are stronger than him like mundus would co-operate with him and with his name very few of the godslayers will dare to attack him and also I think he needs the help of celestials to get rid of jacks army Now for godslayer it has many disadvantages like it could get rid of his dedicated followers , his celestial energy his celestial weapons and after that being a celestial has granted him the title of ruler of blood so it can be stripped off and other celestials will be after his power and he will be a bigger target though that's not a problem for him but his friends will get hurt and moreover reincarnation cycle and many mare things that he can do will be taken away so it's best he should remain a celestial he already is a celestial nd have a god Slayer ability of shadow so bring a godslayer now will be a downside and plus I need to know what can the celestial system do after its fully unlocked


Why, in any universe, would putting power into his weapons strip him of power? It literally makes zero sense and seams more like a lazy excuse to add to the story vs adding something that is meaningful and fits the current plot. If he were to absorb the crystal himself it would make sense but there are too many downsides to him losing the celestial power. I hate to say it but it’s a rather disappointing end to the chapter.


He should still have followers somewhat. Ray had followers somewhat in his time.


whoa come to think of it now the whole world knows of Quinn existence Logan and blades are part of Quinn's group vampire corps and red vampires are now a part of him and pure and dhampirs are annihilated zinon owes quinn a lot and smaller faction and families like the Bree will support him so practically now all of them are under him in earth beast and vampire solar system so his condition can be fulfilled easily and now gods after seeing his power will not step toes on his way so he is practically incharge of everything and becoming a god Slayer will be a troublesome and together he can make all the faction to come together and make an alliance like the past


Man... Peter is never going to get an amazing top tier wight..


Starting to worry about Ray now ngl. Jack is likely with the Marpo Cruise and last time we saw Ray he was heading there.. Imagine if Jack gets his hands on Ray...


What if he uses the God Slayer crystal on Fex?


Ok did not expect this turn of events if he becomes a god slayer he's painting a target on his and everyone else's backs as a celestial he can bargain and make deals with other celestial to fulfil his condition or to gain something he wants. As much as I would love for him to absorb that crystal to the gun I just don't see how after so much effort into growing stronger as a celestial it would benefit him would also mean no reincarnation cycle he would eventually die.


Well thats a bull quest


erin is dhampir and crystal is yellow with her energy in it.. which gave hard time for qunin even with all the power.. if he consume now same energy enters into his body.. a. it can cause self destruct b. it gives another form energy in qunins arsenal i.e., dhampir,shadaw,celestial,blood,qi energies. if author goes with b. then qunin will have 2 god slayer powers his shadow and dhampire energies through which immortui can be defeated.


stop playing do not turn him into a God slayer


If he becomes a God-slayer, what will happen to his dedicated followers? I don't think he should do either of these qyests.


Quinn needs to stay his happy butt a celestial. I know he hates the celestials, but there are too many risks. would he become susceptible to Immortu control since he was the ultimate source of the vampires. what would happen to Fex, seeing as he is only alive due to celestial energy. the celestial weapons. all his friends relying on his celestial power. being able to travel to the celestial space. on top of that, a celestial and a godslayer together are a force to be reconned with. with a little time Quinn and Sil (and Peter and Ray, and Chris ) could do whatever they wanted, who could stop them. I know there us a big chance Quinn will want to walk away from being a celestial, but there are simply too many benefits


so will his dedicated followers be nerfed, fex left as literal dust making that whole scenario null and void


Godslayer sounds way cooler, that's all I'm saying.