
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


also everyone keeps forgetting about Jessica the natural born dhampire


This whole chapter had me on the edge of my seat!! I felt like I was walking with Quinn, feeling his pain and just screaming that he should run!! Well done JKS!!


I was right, her memories were changed. I'm glad she's dead for what she did, but her story was tragic. She did in fact fulfill the prophecy that Bliss gave her so many chapters ago.


Hold up, does this mean that Quinn completed three quests? He had the one about finding Owen's murderer, and fexs quest to kill the dhampir queen, but did the one that had him choose evolve from fexs quest or did it become it's own separate quest with a separate reward


RIP to the true Erin. May the fake racist Erin rot in he**


I think it’s only fair Peter Darling gets a Damph wight to take on big bad guy.


I knew it! It was the only thing that could make sense to all this. Jack Truedream strikes again


Heart breaking to know that she wasn't in her right mind


Absolutely EPIC!! quests completed, weapons and armor to dish out and hopefully Quinn absorbed her Qi that way he can give Chris his back and keep the rest. Would have been good if he could have absorbed her Dhampir powers so he could create Dhampir bullets for the gun. Well done JKS you have out done yourself sir 👏


Do you think she gets absorbed into the second gun ? And who gets the demon tier sword ?


Author don't you dare kill off or turn Sil evil, or turn Quinn either


Maybe she was captured by Jack Truedream and that memory altering vampire? Either way she still did unforgivable things. The system gave him two options from Fex and Bliss: Kill or protect Erin. Wonder what the reward will be?


So we can finally kill truedream! KILL JACK!


I blame Bliss. Had she told Quinn the truth….none of this would have happpened. She deliberately keeps things as a way to keep ‘fate’ true to its nature yet you’re a God that has to gain power by saving people? Something doesn’t add up. Evidently, she could have gave them all different routes in their path being 100% honest.


The end of an era for the story. This whole saga after being bought back was leading up to Erin's death what a journey!! The entire MVS world is different now too. Pure is essentially no more and likely to go under Chris The Dhampir faction no longer exists All that remains is Quinns allies: Graylash Vampire corps Greens Blades Theres also the Bree family but they were pretty insignificant. They will likely get in contact with Quinn now that this all has been live streamed.


Jack Truedream is back....she said with her last breath. Seems we were right. Her memories were altered. Bliss knew this. Why on earth did she let that happen? Quinn, kill Bliss next!!!


Jack Truedream has had 1000 years to perfect the Dalki. The way he was talking last time it seems like dude is just printing godslayers like they're paper.


called it a long time ago and ima also call the fact that Quinn is about to put her soul in the other weapon he will have the greatest weapons to fight laxmus both blood fairy and daphamire


Well we knew her memory was altered but I really thought it would have been Bliss since Truedream has been chilling on another planet for ages. Plus it would be hard for anyone to sneak up on Erin her ability would make it easy to tell if someone had ill intentions. So my money is on Bliss having brought/made a deal with Truedream to alter Erin's memory to make her turn on everyone. Would explain why they ended up coming in contact with Erin and how they discovered their hidden planet with Bliss's power bring them to a planet that would be out of range of Earth's influence would be possible. Otherwise it makes no sense for Truedream not to have turned Erin into a slave for him to use and kept away from Earth when he could have joined forces with her. So I think the memory were altered on Bliss's order.


i have so many concerns,now Erin is dead and immortui and his minions are still on that planet..Quinn is wasted as it is. And Bliss said only Erin and Quinn can stop all this. The Celestials now think Quinn supports their cause because he killed one of the godslayers and truedream is on a freaking ship with a whole army. Can quinn be able to handle all this...I am really scared for my mans