
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


so far I've been giving all my tickets to other books. MVS use to get every single one, but after being told one thing and given something else over and over and over. Until, it's more than 2 chapters a day, no more tickets my guy. We get you are good at cliffhangers. But these chapters are short and hurtful to the support we have shown over so many years. You are just dragging us along as much as you can .I read a chapter in literally about 45 seconds. other books im reading it takes me about 2-5 minutes. And you are one of those most popular authors and books here. I'm sure I'm not the only one. But we definitely feel taken advantage of bruh .♥️


I appreciate you voyagers, I dropped my privileges right after technically the “second” book started. The pacing was slow and too many filler chapters. I determine which chapters to buy off the comments of you guys on the front lines


Who else is dropping priv after this month?


this pace is killing me man the time I take to go from the sofa to the toilet is enough to read this chaoter.. . I couldn't even read it it in the comfort of the toilet..


Bruhh at this point just ask for some goals for more chapters 😭😅😭


we'll see you all tomorrow for next chapter


Goes to show how the chained are just ants compared to the OGs


chapter before great war were about 250 to 300 lines now chapters length is only average 180 lunes , sometimes even less than that and chapters cost more and low frequency updates, 1 chapter per day with 40% less content in a chapter and chapters cost 1 to 2 coins more and privilege cost the same ends same within month ,so in reality we r getting only 22 chapters worth of content now per month as compared to before ,,so coins that used to get us over 2 chapters are now getting us only 1 chapter , Considering every aspect


idk why but this chapter annoyed me. the pacing is 94% fillers 5% unnecessary povs 1% progress. i get its a bad time for the author/editor but fr that shouldnt affect the story progession pacing. (not talking about upload pacing, only story)


Instead of just replying to one I’m going to put it out there. For all you naysayers out there that say he could care less about his readers you should really think about the fact that he had to move, had trouble with his flight and settling down all while a war is going on in that area!! So if you aren’t happy with the amount of time between chapters boo-hoo. Either gain compassion for someone doing their best in these troubled times or stop reading altogether! Because any fan of this story should be happy to get a chapter or two no matter the time it takes.


They speak as if the vampires haven't changed but don't realize they already have a god who is still growing stronger. Also I wonder if the charm stat works even when influence doesn't. Well Quinn hasn't met the guests yet I hope Jessica doesn't get star struck when she sees Quinn's true appearance.


This so-called 'forced' marriage is getting kind of irritating now. just get it over with




Ok so Quinn just sneak attacked the b team to rescue Jessica. It's a big surprise that she is getting any assistance at all. I kinda like how she has turned the blood thread ability into a tentacle attack with her soul weapon/ blood weapon. Gotta love how Quinn just out speeds everyone with nitro accelerate.


Time to break some chained


and sorry to say this but lots of people came to realisation now that they are being taken advantage of but I have yelling and screaming for last 2 months about this and everyone dissed me and mocked me for being cry baby they say ,I am working night job only and I barely 200$ a month and I don't waste money on other things and this is the only thing I use my money on that effects my monetary situation and even after spending so much we are given this kind of treatment ,this is being un-thankful and outright disrespectful towards the readers, for once I decided to never use power stones or golden tickets to ever vote for this novel whether I buy privilege or not, depends on the frequency of chapters being released ,in the end I sympathise with your difficulties u had moving and DA not feeling upto the mark because of war in Ukraine but that does not give you any right to do what you are doing right now


In the eyes of Quinn y’all chained are nothing. Mere humans attempt to defy a celestial God




Here's a test! JKS used to read chapter comments (because he cared)... he used to respond to many of them... so... JKS... do you still care what we think???


i know this is weird and all of a sudden but how's that book deal going Jksmanga???? i really wanna start buying hard copies of ur books but we haven't heard anything in a while so ;^;


Chap so short though