
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


I'm not sure, but I'm thinking this may be one of Jill's, the 8th family leader, family members. Since they were the only group who could use telepathy. My guess, is that her descendants wanted to thank Quinn for preventing the complete annihilation of their bloodline while some of them might have not cared. This crashing a split between the 'good'; Layla, and the 'bad' the 8th family rogues.


I've got a strong suspicion that this is a faint and it's not who we think it is. Perhaps it's something along the lines of all the higher-ups have black swords to mimic their leader...


what does a black sword sound like that is different from other swords? 😂 Is it really who we are assuming it is ?


Layla 😍😍😍


If that's Layla, and we don't know that it is ;) , She went dark. I now have a mental image of a very pretty girl in black leather body armor and evil sword with an almost evil overlord vibe going on. I know this gif isn't right but it's close enough so yeah.


Quinn don't get too pleased with yourself just yet.... keep your guard up. These young ones don't understand you especially because you won't reveal yourself.


The suspense is killing me. Hope it is Layla and she comes herself to investigate and Quinn will be so happy to see her. Wonder how their meeting would go I can imagine Layla questioning him Quinn uses his shadow and Layla goes to attack but stops when she sees he pulled out the mask and she is shocked. So many ways it could go down. Love how the swords colour is identified by the sound it makes. The comment section is also amazing and funny.


If it is Layla... Even if the power that Quinn has shown doesn't convince her it may be him... She knew the name he is using (Nate Snell), she would remember what Chucky looked like, and the fact he is accompanied by an extremely powerful wight... would be a dead give away... unless she is exceptionally unintelligent. The issue is that she is most likely corrupted by the sword and under the influence of Rex Immortui as a result and more aligned with Quinn's eventual enemies... I am hoping that it isn't the case as it would be a cheap and virtual copy of the one of the plots of MDS... (Main character's friend comes across mysterious dark sword with the funny symbol... friend becomes more powerful from sword... sword corrupts friend and makes them "evil"... main character works to redeem their friend... main character succeeds in turning friend back to good... story ends). I'd rather see that this "mysterious person" isn't Layla and killed Layla and took the sword... or, if it is Layla, that she isn't evil and has been working to uphold Quinn's vision during that time.


1. Could it possibly be Layla? or is this a feint? 2. Quinn has already shown his true strength so he might as well reveal himself soon.. Very soon.. 3. JKS I hope everything in life is going good and congratulationson the house. I have been here since the first chapter of this novel and I have seen the up and down rollercoaster of releases. But it seems like this specific lack of releases is taking a lot longer than the others.




Is it Layla?


oh I am first I gues


Great chapter. I like where this is going. It appears more of the Cursed Faction has survived all these years than thought possible.


I feel like everyone who bought full privilege should be compensated in some way . bought for mvs and mws and have only gotten a couple chapters this month along with four months no mass release


It could be Layla having the 8th family ability. Unless she had an ability already and I don’t remember. But as far as what Yaddy said, something tells me he’s going to be more trouble in the future.


Would that be a Ms. Layla Munrow listening? 🙂 I have a list of trusted US organizations supporting Ukraine: * Razom Organization - providing humanitarian aid for Ukraine * Nova Ukraine - providing medical supplies for soldiers and essential supplies, such as food and diapers, for civilians * Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc - humanitarian aid for Ukraine * The International Rescue Committee (IRC) - is on the ground in Ukraine and is one of the principal organizations managing the settlement of refugees in the US * World Central Kitchen - in Poland and other border nations feeding fleeing Ukrainians Does anyone know which of these charities pass on a majority of the donations/services directly to the people they’re supporting?


Hopefully this isn't a end of the arc reveals his identity and then he disappears again or dies.


So quinn can be with Layla now right ? Since the connection is gone


The new Layla


Has anyone considered this may be Layla's daughter with the family heirloom?? She was described as having black hair whilst Layla has brown hair. (Of course she could have dyed it). The good thing is that since she's this particular vampire group leader we have confirmed she's one of the 'good' Red Vampires.


I agree with so many of the comments... I'm in suspense...Next question is " Where is today's chapter? "My chapter from yesterday was 132...I need to get my fix... Having withdrawals...😆 😂 LOL...