
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


I wonder what Oscar has to say to quinn?


really do gotta respect shiro for all hes been thrown into . he really is similar to quinn in alot of ways


I can totally get the need to stay for the sake of more strong people in the fight. but at the same time, if you had the chance to escape war, wouldn't you take it? Hes been through the first war, and now all this, and everything inbetween. If you knew stronger people who you can entrust the future too are there, would you not want to rest? and wouldn't other people respect your decision? Oscar is definitley not perfect, but hes been through heck and back with everything. I don't think hes making a wrong decision. Just like staying also isn't a wrong desicion. In this case, either choice he makes is just a choice, both seem honorable. And even if he is changed, his strength can't surpas his turner, and he would lose his ability. his knowledge on war would be useful, but there comes a point when somones inner exhaustion is just too much to handle. I can respect Oscars decision, even if it isnt the right one for humanity.


QuinnS parents disappeared during the first war maybe oscar found some information about the talens 👀


Oscar is tired. He is tired of fighting. Hes ready to move on.


Oscar has transcended his filial connection and thinks only about the survival of the species.


I hope Quinn can convince Oscar to stay if not then I hope whatever he has to tell Quinn will be of valuable importance and that Quinn respects his decision that it's time for him to go.


i think he might know something about the talen family, could possibly be seeing a forward in the quest here soon 😁


I love that Shiro is working so hard and wanting to be helpful. Perhaps this will show him what he is capable of and help him get stronger. Oscar is at peace. I've heard once that peace hits you then you have no desire to come back....


I feel for poor Shiro, he's put everything he can into finding Oscar and trying to convince him to come back, just to be told that he has had enough of fighting. I also feel bad for Samantha as even she wasn't enough for him to come back, but I wonder what information he will give Quinn. What ever happened next is going to change the Human race for a very long time.


I love the idea of passing down the torch, but I feel as though there could be a better way, Oscar is to good of a guy


this will be an interesting conversation


Wow awesome Chapter Can’t wait for the next one


Super exicted for the mass release.


is it me or have the past couple chapters been a little short


JKS, I thought you were writing 3 chapters a day but lately it's only been 2. Have you stopped? Should we only expect two chapters a day now? If so I'm saddened by this!😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭


Actually I reallY like oscar saying that hes tired and doesnt want to come back But at the same time i feel like he Should want to. especially considering how weak humanity is at this point in the war.


Did Oscar forget about the five spike Dalki. I get being tired of fighting but he must realize that humanity needs all the help they can get. Considering how responsible Oscar is and that he knows how strong the Dalki are it seems out of character for him to just be alright with passing on when he knows the dangers to expect. Like when I heard that Oscar was injured my first thought was he would agree to the turning right away cause they need the power to fight five spike and save humanity.


Oscar has done enough for humanity and is burned out of the war and he doesn't want to be turned to survive I am curious what he wants to tell or give Quinn but I don't believe Quinn will try to convince him once he learns of Oscar's desires and what he has to give or say Quinn doesn't force anybody if they don't want it anyway what Oscar wants to tell Quinn will change things for Quinn I truly hope it has to do with his mom and dad who they were and how they got the book that started this all but I doubt that'll happen cause there was nothing stopping Oscar from telling Quinn any information about his mom and dad had he had information about them so it could be something Oscar has to pass on to Quinn like a mantle or destiny can't wait to find out


I like this and you like this.


Why does part of me think he's going to find out he's related to Oscar as well? 😂