
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


eat the boneclaw's shadow


I just had a thought. what if this is the boneclaw's way of making Quinn get stronger in preparation for Arthur coming back?


quinn going to use the uno reverse card on the boneclaw and teleport his punches through the shadows


I feel you are really downgrading Quinn he learned the vampire martial arts from the system as well as what Leo taught him even making some skills of his own, you say his basic fighting skills are weaker but Quinn never only relied on his shadow and even had times when he didn't fight using it nor his blood skills against higher ranked beasts. Quinn's basic fighting skills shouldn't be so bad just because more so with all the fights and training he has done. Once again it feels like they are just trying to make problems for Quinn that shouldn't be there. Martial arts was one of Quinn's biggest strengths when he first became a vampire and he wasn't bad at it so I don't like seeing him be bad at the basic skills when he should have improved them with all the fights he has had more so with the VR fights at the start where he couldn't use his shadow ability and only had the basic blood swipe. I feel Quinn's basic skills shouldn't be that bad.


Quinn is going to teach the boneclaw some respect. lol


Quinn once fought the boneclaw to a draw when he was a simple vampire. now he has to do it again. but this time it's going to be stronger faster, and have more tricks. Quinn for all his success, which have been many, has not had to really develop his foundational skills because he seems to always be earning new skills and that he also has to develop a grasp of. Kaz was shocked by Quinn's lack of basic skills like that was a surprise, Quinn is an eighteen year old vampire leader, an achievement that usually takes decades if not centuries. if he had the time to really learn and practice his skills he would not be in this particular situation but for a very long time Quinn has just been leaping from one fight to another without having the time to properly consolidate and stabilize his foundation, it's no surprise that an attack at his foundation is going to frustrate him more then any other sort of attack. this situation is going to strengthen his basic skills once he figures out how to win this fight. I expect this fight to last a few chapters. This is going to be awesome!!!


time for some shadow daddy moves


Maybe somebody like Arthur or Eno, talked to the boneclaw and the boneclaw saw there strength and though Quinn was weak compared to them


3 like please


Completely forgot he could do the shadow Soul attack!


Excellent chapter, it is going to be interesting to see what happens?


kazz is going to be the quinn’s queen


Thanks for the Chapter JKS


Thanks for the chapter JKS ❤


I agree that Quinn hasn't really had any true training with fighting abilities. From the flashback we know that Quinn was bullied but really didn't fight back. Vincent taught Quinn the Hammer Strike and Flash Step while Leo taught him the Crescent kick. Blood Swipe, Blood Spray, Blood Hammer Strike, Blood Crescent Kick, and Flash Step were the only things that Quinn used in the game pods until Fex showed up and taught him Basic Vampire Martial Arts. When Fex saw that Quinn was learning at an incredible speed and was able to pick up the Phantom Punch so quickly he decided to stop training him.


what happened to Boneclaw,did he find the Eno king? and is making a choise beetwin Quin and Eno (Or Richard ) . I remember when the original 8 leader was afraid from boneclaw when he saw it


hahahha.....our Quinn is great in shadow and blood ability but poor in combat lessons..he has to take class again from leo😆😆.I think after seeing his soul weapon and during fight he accept him again like he did last time.boneclaw we need you don't leave now😞


I wonder if he'll use it to trap it so that he can actually hit it and stop it from teleporting around. I feel bad for Quinn having to use that soul weapon though as he'll lose some of his MC points to do it. Either way should be an interesting fight.


Great Chapter. Keep it up.


im thinking Quinn will be getting some nice reeards plus full access/control of the boneclaw. Kazz will see Quinns true strength report it and scare everyone