
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


Quinn can't teach humans the shadow ability it was made quite clear that only vampires can learn it by the fact the blade can't copy it. Also though if humans get the shadow ability it would seriously break the balance between the two races. Humans have Qi already and only turned vampires can learn it not those born as one so far.


it was stated ealrlierin the book that the shadow ability isn't a vampire ability. as in it doesn't come natural to vampires, and that's why only one vampire family had it. my guess is that there's another race entirely not human, dalki, or vampire, that the shadow ability originates from. but yes, if a human learns it, then so can the blades

jpollner1021:while it's possible that the shadow ability might be race specific that is not why the blades can't copy the shadow ability. It's the same reason Sil can't copy Peter's ability which was made clear is an ability both Humans and Vampires can learn early on in the book.

Idk who all will be going, but im betting Peter isnt lol


I thought this would be Sam's thinking behind it plus he has a point Quinn would have some level of freedom to do as he pleases but my worry is it was that freedom that made the other teachers miss what was going on at the school in the first place. Also if Quinn manages to teach humans the shadow ability it's possible that the military could convince them to come to them and get the person to teach one of their people the ability which could then be used against Quinn,not that it would matter much as Quinn is more adept at using the ability seeing as he could be considered an "original"


Ehh idk about this development, I guess Ill just have to wait and see.


I think Quinn would be very similar to Leo as a teacher,I think that can be a good thing and an opertunity for growth for Quinn and his human Faction.


Just gets back, and now off to teach at school????👎🏿 Everyone’s running the faction but Quinn. Just send him off time and time again, like a cat chasing lights while I run things. We’ll call u when we need muscle, now go!


This chapter really made me mad. Bro cant even get a break and has to go teach some random kids. And even worse attempt to teach them the shadow ability or Qi, like thats a really bad idea. They both can be used against Vampires and his people. Plus hes the leader why does he specifally have to Go?


All I have to say is Booooooooo!!!!👎🏿


First 😁


the real reason Sam is sending Quinn off, is so he can run the faction, "ya tell me your ideas and I'll run them past Quinn" but never does. Sam is gonna be the true villain!!!!!


3 likes please


Main reason should be all that free blood he could take to level himself up. The reasons given aren't enough.


Well I suppose what Sam said is true especially considering Quinn has said for the longest time that he wants to change the way thing are. It should be interesting to see who Quinn would take with him though.


NOT PETER! He will kill 3/4 of the class just for initially doubting him. Hate to say Borden can't go, good teacher but a Dalki. Maybe Dennis, Linda, scares me to think about Nate.




We just had to much war, fighting and hunting in the previous chapters and arc, it would be great to tone it down for the meantime, Quinn is acting like an adult now and school would be great for him to enhance his relationship with the others. The Dalki won't be a problem becuase I know Arthur is the one reason why they didn't attack and let the humans recover. By the way what's with the releases, I mean like 1 every 19 hours and 1 in the next four hours, like I know the author is keeping up the previliged but we can't be tortured like thisssss, you could have at least released two, twooooo.


mayby Quin at school is going to turn some students in vampire


I am really liking this part just because I didnt ever predict it would circle back to the school because I although I enjoy the action parts or fighting best. i forget about the other side when i get caught up reading that


It would be a major disaster if Quinn teaches the students the shadow ability, which to me denies the fact that the ability was first spotted with one of the original vampires which was then passed to Arthur so its clear that it's a vampire ability not human and it's not a necessity to teach people Qi cause there are other powerful abilities out there that could rival or surpass Qi if studied properly.


Umm Game Over? I guess the author forgot about the shadow eater ability. If he makes the shadow ability available to humans then he just made a giant anti-vampire army. That is a major threat to vampires. All you need is one bad group of humans to hate vamps and go on a rampage and wipe the vampires out completely.