
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


Finally someone who knows what she wants 😂....Layla better stepup her game


Quinn as a teacher will probably be a lot like Leo thia ahould be interesting


I really hope the story goes in the war and Demon beast direction rather than teacher Quinn direction!


I cant lie I do like the idea of Quinn being a teacher but I really want him to keep getting stronger and hopefully have his own demon tier armor nd weapons...


So step into teaching, so you can help set the standards of cooperation as well as recruit new talent??


Layla needs to step up now others are asking him out on dates, also Vincent needs to keep quiet sometimes or has Vincent not realised Layla likes him. Liking the idea of him becoming a teacher more so with how much he respected Leo as one. It's good that he will get to take a break for a while and hope Layla goes with so they can get to spend sometime together in peace. Though knowing Quinn trouble will follow quickly but hope he gets to relax a bit before it arrives.


Teacher Quinn. I think he could end up pearning quite a bit abput himself as well. Might also gain a reputation amoungst future students who may join the cursed faction if they meet and learn of its leader directly.


Quite disappointed in the idea of Quinn becoming a teacher. I was looking forward to hunting demon tier beast


To be one of the Top Leaders, its ridiculous for SAM to recommend something like this, regardless of the reason ( explain shadow powers, Qi, introduce himself to the next generation, etc 
.) I know that the military school opens the door to place Quinn back into school, where the storyline began and can arc in many different directions and introduce new characters, but unless the other leaders do the same, I think once again, we’re placing Quinn in a position to appear weaker than he is and to undermine his position and authority. Hopefully, Quinn steps up and delegates the position down like a true leader! đŸ’Ș




I think Sil would be a amazing teacher for many reasons, and maybe Leo. But I think Quin needs to focus on getting stronger for a number of reasons as well.


First thoughts, I don't care about Quinn's social life,but he probably should have the chance to have one, in my mind you have Quinn, Leo, and Erin as teachers going forward and now our author is going back to the ending every chapter in a cliffhanger. I just complimented his change in writing style and bang he switched back. I also want Alex to teach his weapon forging. I don't know what will happen in the future but I think this is a great opertunity to develop some essential human resources, Quinn also needs more talented people working with him. We all know that this new base is going to be attacked soon. three chapters in and I am predicting eleven different directions the story can go based on existing unfinished story threads. this is all exciting. in the last story arc we sort of knew via Cia's banshee ability how the story would sort of end but it was a great ride just getting there. Now Cia is gone, we don't have a mini prophecy to foreshadow future fights. I half feel like we are going to get a rewind to when Quinn went to school.then there is Borden, I think he would also make an excellent teacher.


Quinns inspect skill with ahoot up and he may find a kid that has the ability to fix sil. I approve of professor quinn. Layla going to have a lot of competition.... I like the push from Helen. An army of Qi users coming through.


teacher quinn. I like that idea. Sam really does have a head for this stuff


S hould go as well. Sil would be able to get abilities and noone would be able to beat him there. He could also enroll all of the kids into the school. A bunch of mini Blades but actually getting the chance to socilaize with others and develop social skills


Well I don't think that Quinn was expected that, especially it coming from Helen, but I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what become of that. Maybe with Helen making a move, Layla will start to think about how she feels for Quinn, and will try to make him aware of how she feels too, as they have been together the longest out of everyone. I suppose Quinn becoming a teacher could be interesting, as long as we get to see him still doing what he does best, looking out for the little guy and putting those that deserve it in their place. Thank you JKS this is going to be an interesting Arc and I can't wait for more.


Asking a World Leader to be tied down to become a teacher when their is a war looming overhead. Sam I think you have lost your brain...was it eaten? Quinn has a lot more important things to do and becoming a full time teacher is not one of them.


that would be like asking the president of the United States to teach gym class.


Some good chapters! Did not see the teacher role coming!


The only ship I'm rooting for is Quinn and Layla.. I really hope they can progress with their relationship or even acknowledge it


Quinn as a teacher? I don't know... I want to know about Blade and Truedream...will they resurface? And with the Arthur/Dalki threat, Quinn teaching will slow him down in preparation I think...