
Comments of chapter undefined of My Vampire System


Sad to hear you're having writing troubles, but take the time you need to get your inspiration back! We're all here for the quality work, not the quantity (although the quantity is a nice bonus). I'll be eagerly checking (since I have other stories to read) every day. I am interested to see how Quinn reacts to Blip's death, and how Fex takes it once he gets better.


Wait, does this mean that this is an original work? Like from this person??!? I thought this was a translation app, I didn't even think that the author would be talented enough to do 3 story's at a time!!! MVS(my vampire system), MDS(my dragon system), and MWS(my werewolf system).


Good thing blip died. Quinn cannot be an idiot for all the time he needs to grow and he needs to understand some times showing kindness to your enemies and sparing them will only bring suffering to him and his friends. He is strong enough to face any strong force on his own. But he acts as a kid. If he had distroyed parasites the moment he realized that they are trying to take over his planet. Then blip would not have died. He has to understand the world is at war and law of the jungle is only present in the world right now and if he wants to change anything he must be ruthless and he must be a top predator not some kid with a kind heart. And thanks author for creating a good scenario which will help Quinn to grow and please by any miracle don't save Blip it will just destroy entire setting completely.


it's ok JKS, ur content is amazing, it's worth the wait. My Two Cents is that Quinn should get back soon to find blip dead, and peter is called and makes him our first official lesser wight.


IDK how close Fex was to Blip, but knowing him he will still be upset with himself. Writer's block is the worst, I myself, am ok with the wait. Just take it a page at a time and thanks for keeping us updated! Quality over quantity.


We all knew blup was gon die,either at the hand of Kazz or because kazz and laws


blip being dead really solves a lot of problems he wouldn't be able to keep Linda's secret for long and would have gotten killed by kaz anyway


RIP Blip


Sil power stoll amazes me. So sad to see someone had to die


Blip 😭😭😭😭😭 Random thought: what if Quinn instead of killing his toughest most crazy ability-user adversaries, confines them in a dungeon as a wicked chained collection of sorts for Sil and the Blade kids to tap into as the need arises? Killing them is an easy escape for the adversaries and a waste of blood, meat... erm limbs 😁 and abilities. Since, as Peter wisely said, the Blade children will be hunted just for the sake of having such a unique ability, may as well train to use their powers to protect their lives, freedom and those of their loved ones. The children could become a special team of sorts within the Cursed fam which will allow Sil and them to stay together and keep strength in numbers since they won't remain kids anyway. Who knows, if they figured a way to control true dream, Quinn could even blood the kids that wanted to and, since they are originals, they may recuperate their ability if it was compatible with vampire nature, or they could get the shadow ability becoming the next punishers that would keep tabs ob the vamp society from afar 😈 Whatever direction the story takes I am enjoying seing Sil becoming more trusting with Quinn and growing more confident in tough situations, I look forward to some mischief from Borden, Fex and Peter. I like that fun trio. I miss Raten and Vorden, they were fun too, as well as Amy and the other kids from Vamp school, Quinn got wrapped to fast into leadership that didn't get a chance to enjoy doing some crazy shenanigans as a young vamp. It would have fun reading about him getting into vamp youth troubles with the different vamps and subclasses and dealing with his inherited 10th family castle and vamps. Anyway, Im curious to see how will it all wrap up eventually between the vamps, humans and Dalki. Also there is the lingering mystery of what became of the initial vamp informants that went missing when the war broke on Earth. Thanks for the chapter and for your hard work.


Was not expecting another person to die. This is not going to go well. Hoping he can be saved.


can I get 3 likes plz.. rip blip


said it last time.. don't kill yourself over it, its ok to try n slowly catch up. And .-. i love Kazz's character but ik how Quinn is.. just hope whatever u think of is better than either of them dying..


Need exp, hit me with some likes please🙏


Take your time JKS. Dont burn yourself out. We appreciate all your work. The content is amazing. I love that Sil is breaking out of his shell to be too OP. He is ironically everything hilston imagined him to be.


stop worrying about owed chapters... write what you can... when you can!!! stressing what some consider owed content will stress you and possibly hinder your writing... We all want your best quality work... None of us want rushed chapters that aren't as good as we know that they can be!!!


If Blip is gone, then think that Nate would be seat nr 10. To author, its okay to take a break, just let us know even in the comments. Make the wait easier to know and not checking to see if anything in yet 🤪


Well someone had to die in guess. Poor fex will be devistated he did the deed. As for writers block- Think of where you need to go and work back from there.... setting up cursed home planet, Blips send off/possible reanimation, daisy, Battle of pure and reunited with the girls, confronting other factions, training blade kids to fight, winning fame and Fortune whilst Level gaining, becoming big three and then blades attempting to crush them... getting the demon teir just In tIme to win- return to vamp city as glorious leader, finding out the blades are actually Eno made clones- eno finding quinn, finding a way to bring vorden and raten home- Lots of strands to follow :) good luck and we look forward to the mass release when inspiration hits


Lots of people have said this but we do love you and the stories and characters you bring to life. Take your time g. Looking forward to the next release. 😱😁


dude take you're time please don't overwork yourself and cause a burnout to you motivation