
Comments of chapter undefined of Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse


you should use fertility for this base. what i mean is more people that is under noha fertility and gain percentage of his power more his soul will grow. or more importantly have the potential to grow. and once he has that growth in soul it shouldn't get undone in case when people die foe has sworn fertility to him. and stronger the people under him stronger the feed back. make it a infinite loop with infinite empire as well.


while the generation of the essence of reality would be good, it would merely make him more powerful faster in the same way that all those old fogeys in the primordials and other groups are, slowly and steadily improving his soul with the essence of reality. however, improving his soul directly, perhaps by making a unique loot of soul gems or liquid soul juice, he would skip the whole essence of reality scheme that everyone else decided was the best. it all depends on of Aldui wants to make noah the fastest at their game or the guy who makes his own rules and breaks their game


he already has a way to generate essence of reality, he can get the essence of reality from defeated foes, their bloodlines, edicts, laws, and daos. what about an edict that purifies and absorbs the souls of defeated foes


I’d say if the soul is something that’s limiting for others, that means that it’s hard to make Edicts regarding the soul (though Noah would certainly find a way) so I’d personally suggest a soul based affix, but it’s whatever you thinks best Mr Author-san.


Yea so Noah already has the soul thing covered remember he loots everything from his enemies and could include soul strength. As for the affix I vote for devourer where it consumes other realities to grow to prime reality or beyond. another option could be domination where other realities become subordinates to his own...with how this story developed shouldn't be too hard for you to fill in the blanks this would entail could also save this one for when the infinite empire rises to reality status.


So if the soul is limiting the amount of concepts a being can hold and reality allows a being to expand that space, then infinite reality would also mean infinite space right? I say his system expands on his infinite mana in a way that gives him infinite essence of reality. Either through a 1:1 conversion or just straight up drawing it from whatever reality hes currently in. You want noah to be OP right? Let's just straight up make him Grand Zeno


Epic! Thanks for the chapters!! I hope tomorrow comes soon.


Considering his continuous killing ,a soul affix that absorbs the defeated opponent soul and strengthens his soul will be the best.


100% Soul devouring/refining.


maybe another affix idea would be something like... Scale of Strength- Use of this affix allows the user to gain untold strength from opponents of a higher ascendancy value. the effect can only be gained when the user topples an enemy of higher power without any outside help thereby proving their worth. benefits with every overpowered enemy struck down include: -Increased soul strength by one percent for each enemy -increased overall parameters by one percent for each enemy -increased passive generation of EoR by one percent for each enemy -increased nullification of edicts, daos, etc... used by the enemies against Noah by a half percent Affix upgrades every 10 ten enemies defeated to include an extra .1% to all effects. something like that seems not too broken but very in line with what Noah has done before and after large battles it will be a huge boon.


Too be honest this might be overpowered but I do want to see the reactions of people if this happenes Broken concept- while active(could be passive and have a percentage) any concept used against noah would be broken making subsequent uses of them have painful drawbacks. it can even deconstruct a halo if its used egnouth againt him. If broken concepts (edicts,daos halos) are utilized again they can be completely destroyed. broken concepts can be repaird usinh EoR or RUINATION


rebirth like Phoenix with every rebirth soul size and soul power/density increase


Why would u go so far as using an affix for a mere soul? Noah can literally just copy the skill of the other noah that lean more on soul or he can just create a skill of his own or even an edict or dao


why of course LOOT is the best affix


If it extinguishes the primordial beasts of those conquered realities, will it be enough to create an army of existences in the first firmament or a thousand edicts?


Maybe have an inverse feedback to the spirit. Although the spirit has only so much space for edicits and bloodline, you can have the affix position the haphazard bloodline flames in the spirit in a unique formation that supports and strengthens the spirit as well as continuously refine the spirit with increasing percentages the more bloodline flames are present in the spirit (of couse the higher the tier of flames the higher the percentage added).


C'mon am I the only one thinking of something major here?!?!?! PIRATES! He steal... cough... loots things from others and he is constantly infiltrating and 'looting' things from the start!


Maybe an affox that alows conversition of other essense into a soul power and vice versa.


an affix that converts essence of reality to soul power, Noah has to provide the essence for it to work but since he passively creates it, it works out


Thanks for the chapters!

