
Comments of chapter undefined of Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse


stronger duplication


Few ideas: 1) realities are filled with ruination essence (ruination sea). As a quasi-primordial treasure, ruination gains a mapping ability of the whole ruination sea. This would allow instant localization of all cosmos, travelers flying through the sea of ruination, man made structures/empires, and borderline between the sea of ruination and primordial sea. 2) the ruination clone became obsolete when Noah reached higher existence. Therefore I propose it is changed to ruination golems. By expending massive amounts of mana the user is able mold golems out of the essence of ruination with power at the cosmic realm. These golems can be used at sentries at the border of the realities subjugated by Noah. 3) if I remember correctly the ruination realm used to give boosts to realm progression along to high time ratio to the outside. These boosts are lackluster now so… at quasi- primordial ruination is able give these properties to the ruination sea of the reality where the physical body of the treasure exisits. This would give access to the common folk( people not close to Noah that can access his the space of the hundred thrones) of his home reality to these benefits, allowing a quicker progression of the reality of the status of emerging to a full fledged prime reality.

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insuperable eddict of the true king. abilities: King aura, fealty to the king, decree of the king, appointed by the king, sword of the king, my kingdom come( can be like a domain ability). just some ideas. thanks for the chapter 👍🏿


Conversation of pandamonium into EoR Veil of ruination, since osmots origin is where it lives it passively conceales the origin of host by scrambaling the origin to thoes who tries to look (like how encryption works) Edict affixs- Osmot is able to apply edicts to ruination like affixes giving said edicts the ability to show strength equal to using the halo, You could also have the edicts abilities duplicated so instead of 4 towers he could have 8.


Something along the lines of reality manipulation like since all realities have ruination as their building block then elevate that to the primordial relic stage and you have something that can control and change multiple realities at a fundamental level like its nothing


Expanded duplication in to resource replication. Anything that has been destructured by Ruination can be recreated infinitely. Some overlap with various Edicts, possibly strengthening them and duplicating the features of an Ascendancy Halo. It evolves into the Halo of Ruination. Additionally or alternatively, it resonates with his Ruination Eye, evolving that as well. Possibly allows him to duplicate the Primordial Disk (regular duplication ie once), which he can then upgrade to be on the same level as Ruination.


The peasants call upon the Great Adui to answer the call of the summoning pen and release more chapters!


duplication and quality improvement can be the next thing.


idk if anyone remembers anymore , but it was hinted before that that the fusion of ruination and primordial essence is going to be something fantastic. Considering to just elevating ruination to the next stage while primordial remains the same place breaks the balance since ruination and primordial essence is mysteriously connected. I mean noah did find more things about and study them intricately even making them work togother even more better than before but still using something Togother and mixing them to give birth to something new is a whole another realm. so I my opinion I would say break the shackled of ruination for once and for all and instead elevate the treasure using primordial essence too causing the final fusion of the both supreme daos and giving birth to finally a dao above supreme and the primordial or quasi primordial relic which can utilise it to its most efficiency. In this way it can open more possibilities to noahs elevated cosmic treasure to be more OP than just the possibility of upgrading ruination to just a stage above is my opinion. Hope this helps😇


honestly, already a lot of great things mentioned but one to add: ruination reality: as a quasiprimordial/primordial relic (however it ends up), it gives the user of the relic the ability to bud off a temporary reality for the user and chosen targets. it will work much like the life realm but will be seeded by the user, thus not attached to a reality so it can not be bypassed even by opponents of a higher realm. there could also be MINOR debuffs( since it already so OP to trap enemies) and a complete cut off to communication outside. also perhaps a minor time dilation of maybe something like every minute inside is five outside, but since battles of this level can be over in seconds it won't make a big difference. but the MAIN thing is that it would automatically duplicate loot two times which would then have the treasure emperor's edict applied while inside(at the cost of universes burned), and then once the reality is closed the treasure can duplicate it all again. there has to be some strict cost, I'm sure, but cmon... it's a primordial relic. it should be crazy affects.


What about something like passive resource creation


Fornace Dao: The essence of this dao allows the origin itself to be used as a furnace to refine the most exquisite materials.


Good chap


Thanks for the chapters!


Amazing! Thanks for the chapters! Let there be more loot!


transcend from ruination to the material between realities? spawn your own realities? split realities? create new laws? convert from ruination to apocalypse, consuming the apocalypse edict, leaving a broken empty edict?


The Sea of Ruination - could be the basis of what split the original Reality stream into multiple. The Primordial sea could be the remnant essence (aka the blood of the original prime reality) of the original reality. Elevating Ruination could allow the user to simply warp / teleport between realities without having to enter the space between. He could begin merging realities to create other prime realities. He could start duplicating an entire cosmos, or universe. Or even duplicating ascendancy halos! He could start making Ruination clones of others that are under his control. Ruination could allow the breakdown of relics and artifacts for obtaining halo enhancing loot. As a higher existence that is capable of assimilating others bloodlines and powers... What if Ruination being elevated allowed him to carry an actual Sea of Ruination as his blood (refined and merged with his golden blood of a higher existence)?


With the combo of Dao of Ruination and Primordial, we get Dao Runes (foggy on memory here for the right phrase the word). What if Ruination and Primordial cosmic treasures were elevated and can this do the same with Edicts! Break down Edicts and reconstruct them as Edict runic lines to be etched into an Halo!!


well of course next step of ruination is pandemioun(?) so.... new clone (more powerful than main body) more duplicate (hope can duplicate share of reality,and loot of the same rank) and unique edict about pandemioun (?) new cool eyes new title new unique domain (time training) yeah just upgrade version :v


if nova merges the core of his reality and ruination treasture together in this way as infinity reality grows stronger by merging other reality the cosmic core and ruination treasure will also have it's level increased so nova don't have to focus on upgrading it any longer by this features like duplication can help create nova with palace in reality which can duplicate any items placed in it in this way won't only nova but all people in reality can use item duplication