
Comments of chapter undefined of All my toys


Hello, I am kp (Editor at Goodnovel), Your novel has the potential and I would like to offer you to work with us (exclusive and non-exclusive contracts). There is also a contest with prize $8000 coming up and your novel might have the chances of winning. Do give it a try. If you are interested or would like more information about this please mail me at kp_46@yahoo.com I would request you to keep the subject as (Author- Book name). Thankyou.

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A question : is his daughter his or his father in law?

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Wahhh not bad not bad *prepares self for more goodness*

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The writing is pretty good, and the writing is interesting too!


in fact there is a way to solve all this problem 1- create multiple shell companies around the world, these companies would have the property of other shell companies, but each company has 12.5% ​​of the shares of those shell companies, then these in turn have the property of other shell companies and It will continue with this pattern, it will work in such a way that it will be impossible to trace it, then they will all meet in a company, this company will officially begin to function and doing the same as the protagonist's first company, it will also be in the same place and it will be the competition , after that The "competition" company sends a CEO to buy its competition (the protagonist's first company) and decides to meet with the current protagonist, then the protagonist decides to sell his company for 1 dollar, if he literally sells his company for 1 dollar , after that the parasites cannot get more money, then you just have to use the money to invest in the financing of a criminal group in exchange for certain services (obviously is anonymously) this group may be a mafia, this mafia will begin to destroy the property of the father-in-law and all the people who go to the Church, in turn, multiple types of information begin to reach the followers of the Church , about extramarital relations and sins of the priest of the church (father-in-law of the protagonist), his prestige decreases and power is lost, the protagonist stops being an idiot and begins to disobey his wife, he does not tolerate abuse and insults, a point at which it is completely out of their control, at the end one day he goes to church, this day the priest of the church has already lost a lot of power, influence and is frowned upon, then the protagonist appears and tells them that I want to talk about something, then begins " I'll be honest , I'm not a very believer, stop being, but I don't think God likes this situation, I think one of the things that God says is to do good without expecting anything in return, That is what I did, donate half of my earnings for a long time to this church , which was used in the so-called generosities, of course this priest is going to deny it, I never said anything or expected anything, I did not care if he took the credit, but I can not bear it this, knowing that my donations are used that way, that is why I think we should stop donating to the church. , besides from now on I declare that I will divorce my current wife ”, a month later the protagonist decides that the priest must die, he makes the mafia kill him and his daughter (ex-wife of the protagonist)


my question is why doesn't he start to stop being a coward and start facing his wife once and for all


im glad this is what i wanna be

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Mantem! eu me diverti muito