
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnated As a Fox With System


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule

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I’d say the loot was pretty fruitful :) What’s she gonna do next chapter? She’s gonna hurry up and eat those 9 fruits asap please 😂!! Would love to see her status for next evolution soon. Thanks for chapter author!

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So glad that a lot of really powerful people/beings disregard the weak as not worth their time. Really hope that that thing does not leave this Secret Realm. Thanks for the Chapter!

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But the silver-lining is that Tang Li Xue obtained the Star Treasures needed for her evolution! And two powerful guardians!

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I freaking LOVE this Novel. So I’ll give all my tickets to this novel

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We can only hope Instructor Mei Lan and the others sense the danger and gather everyone to leave that place.

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"Thank you for the great Chapter! Hopefully, the star energy in the fruits will suffice, but even if the energy in the fruits isn't enough, hopefully, she will evolve to find the necessary energy soon. Also, although one part of me feels sorry for the star tree, if it had let go after harvesting its fruits, it might have survived a while longer. Nevertheless, I've come up with a small story about this mysterious creature (think of it as a fanfic), but I'll write it in bullet points since it'll be long. 1. TLX's evolution somehow becomes visible outside, drawing the attention of nearby human and beast armies, then both of which converge on the area. 2. The sides notice each other near the region where TLX underwent evolution and start clashing. 3. Shortly after, the mysterious creature manages to emerge outside (related to TLX in some way) and heads towards the human/beast clashes. 4. The mysterious creature fights with both sides but instead of killing them, it begins to play with them. 5. During this, rare and weaker monsters + vulnerable humans retreat/flee (they ignored by the creature). 6. TLX eventually completes her evolution but encounters the scene she unintentionally caused, and finally goes to aid the humans/monsters who are about to be almost defeated with the calamity sword. (Mei Lan and Lei Wei scold TLX as she go to help) 7. Seeing the despair of humans and beasts, the creature is quite pleased and gains confidence. It notices a weak entity approaching but ignores it. 8. This weak entity is, of course, TLX, and she attacks the creature with the calamity sword, causing not only significant damage to its seemingly invulnerable body but also causing the creature to gradually retreat from the sword. 9. The creature, who has not been harmed before as the most powerful entity in the hidden area, is so terrified by this unexpected blow that it starts severing a large portion of its own body to escape gravity. 10. Already irritated by the fact that its opponents were toying with them, most of the humans/monsters immediately go after the relatively weakened creature. 11. The remaining humans try to persuade TLX and the monsters by saying that as TLX is a beast,so it won't be able to wield the sword properly, and thus, it's best to hand over the sword to them. 12. The remaining beasts refuse to give this valuable weapon to the human race outright, but since it is quickly retreating, instead of trying to take the sword from TLX, one of the swift beast takes it on its back/claws, and the remaining forces follow them. (I'll use Aunt Bat here) 13. Although not all of the creature's body has healed, most of it has, but some humans/beasts try to hinder it. While it manages to overcome their obstacles relatively easily, but it slows it down. 14. During this time, it notices Aunt Bat and TLX wearing the calamity sword. 15. Though it continues to flee, this time, it attacks Aunt Bat with attacks that could potentially kill/severely injure her, which she barely dodges, further slowing her down, and the gap between them widens. 16. Instead of gaining superiority over the creature,but forces that cannot harm it decide to gamble with TLX since they don't want this creature in their continent, with some slowing the creature down while others protect Aunt Bat and TLX. 17. Human and beast forces finally risk their lives to get TLX to the creature, and this time, the creature fully retreats into the sword.But then humans attack TLX. 18. TLX, with the help of the beasts, manages to escape from the humans and meets up with the exploration team. Then she is scolded by Mei Lan and Lei Wei. 19. The exploration team somehow manages to enter the Fox Academy, but there TLX and the others are interrogated by the Bookkeeper. 20. The Chief, his daughter, and daughters husband thank TLX and assure them that they are under their family's protection now. 21. The Bookkeeper tells TLX that she is now one of the most wanted on the this continent an

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Thank you for the chapter

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But the last one went through

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Thanks for the chapter 😁.

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Daily GIFs (OK Author, tell us and you can have a short hiatus to recover it's fine, pls give one like for agreement of her taking a break if you read this anyway I know you want to see the gifs so let's get to it) The creature staring at TLX:

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Thanks for the chapter