
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnated As a Fox With System

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when did she decide on the path she wanted to evolve

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i remember reading it but can't find it unless that didn't happen and only get getting the paths

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Army gonna be a check, many possible husbands/wives check, imperial blood check, faithful advisors/ companions check. We have a ruler in the making.

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There is definitely something shady happening here. Was the fall of this Ancient Sect due to the Undead race? Will we have to face off against zombie Cultivators? Really excited for what's in store for us in this Arc! Thanks for the Chapter!

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Rather than delving into the essence devouring technique at this stage, it may be more prudent for her to concentrate on honing the skills that demand substantial energy expenditure. By doing so, she can gradually develop proficiency in regulating her energy consumption more effectively. Mastering energy management through rigorous practice of high-intensity abilities could better prepare her for the intricacies of essence devouring once she has achieved a certain level of control and efficiency.

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is her spiritual energy limitation also linked to her evolution? I'm assuming so since true spirit beasts would have a more mature body than her. however she has a dantian already. I feel like i came to the conclusion while asking this. Would her current cultivation be like say a toddler or young child that somehow rapidly grew her strength but not have the body to hold large amounts of it?

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Happy to see some gains from the Golden Core, I guess we won't see her use this much cause it takes too much energy, but at the end of the day her fire eyes an such are really the only powers she has that can let her fend off someone stronger than she is though, so I can't see it as a downside. She needs better energy control or to evolve and be stronger than anyone who wants to kill her anyway, that would defeat the need for a big flashy attack prolly. Either way more options are better.

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No offence, but why is it whenever in the novel each time there's a text that describes tlx figure there ALWAYS has to be 'TLX Slender Figure..' like ??? I already know she's beautiful, I don't need to keep being reminded she's slender too

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Darker red dots probably have more precious treasures and perhaps a powerful enemy guarding it. Good way to train new skills and get treasures, kill two birds with one stone. Thanks for chapter author!

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Time for my daily GIF Do you guys actually enjoy these? Anyway

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World Destroying Lightning Dragon is pretty cool and powerful; thanks Heavenly Rule. She can cover her enemies with water using her Martial Soul and then strike them with lightning to make it far more destructive. To think that even Little Loki doesn’t want to eat those creatures despite always being hungry! There’s a chance that they’re not Undead but the result of some virus outbreak. I would want to put the rats and rabbits into the Scepter too; just to see how OP they can become.

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Thanks for the Chapter

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thank you

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thank you for the chapter