
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnated As a Fox With System

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is the next arc her going to this location to pay for him opening the boxes so she can get at the mats she needs? or will he open them before and she goes after evolution ?


I recall she needed to evolve in order to use use the next rank of her Regalia so what ou say make sense. I wonder if it’s going to happen while the tournament is still ongoing.

DaoistW40miC:Probably because it was not a proper evolution. The regalia is the main simbol that defines a royal/imperial and most of her regalia was sealed and nerfed because of her low stats and beast rank( only demonic beast not beast lord). I feel like from beast lord is where the real power of an imperial starts to show. For example we have yet to see a royal/imperial in demonic beast rank, only beast lord, so it may have something to do with that( having the power and foundation to suport the abilities and regalia)

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Yes! More Inscription progress! Wonder if she can make a passive regeneration amulet or something that triggers when you are badly hurt. I am definitely looking forward to what she will make in the future! Thanks for the Chapter!

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Interested in her making a spirit gathering formation in her apartment. Though that makes me wonder, the space is only expanded while she is there so does such a formation need time to gather energy? Or would it just make whatever is in the space focused on spot for more efficient training? Well not that it matters I guess she doesn't have any free time to train anyway lol

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i think there is a restriction on the realm so he needs our little fox to risk her life for him(bad parent) behavior

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It’s gonna be so exciting to see how her inscriptions skills turn out in the future! Bet Teacher Li Wei will ask our MC to find the treasure, hope maybe he’ll share a cut of it with her. Thanks for chapter author!!

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Thank you for the chapter!!!! also, are we abandoned again???

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Does he need to her to use her Energy Manipulation in order to enter that place?

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thank you for the chapter