
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You


cant access anymore chapters, dont know what to do, tried to remove and add back in but it didnt work

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Just an observation. Why is it so easy for readers to complain on this book yet very accepting on other books? Say if it's a slow burn book, you don't di Ss the author and say unkind words to her. You don't say "it's so expensive," but say "my coins are so ready" on other books, but I see lots of complaining on here.You don't say "this is dragging already, end this book for God's sake" on other books but it's so easy on here.(why is that?) I read and comment only when I want to but readers should understand that the author is human and NOT A ROBOT that can be easily commanded at. Most books on Webnovel are ongoing and contracted. They would have premium chapters that needs to be unlocked. If you don't want to purchase coins it's okay, there's the fast pass as an alternative. I feel guilty using those fast passes as they don't compensate the author at all. She gets nothing so all I can do is to vote and wait. I've been reading for free. When I first made an account here, Webnovel used to give coins when we perform tasks but they changed and scrapped that already. Web novel wants your money. ALL your coins don't go to the author. Whatever is said on here can either uplift or hurt the author, so it'll be nice to be kind and carefully choose your words, respect the author's hardwork for her book/s, RESPECT THE AUTHOR AS A HUMAN BEING.

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To those who don't have face book, here's what Kazzen had written on her note. Thank you.


Would the shield be enough to stop the flying demons?Maybe..but somehow I have a bad feeling about this🥺...Alicia let Lilith help Kyle and Lucas. Sure she won't be attacked by the demons...but what if..just what if...it's he who come up to Zeres and Zeke (with all the power she's left?) I hope I'm wrong...but I feel like she'd sacrifice herself.


To all Hellbounders asking for the next chapters, kindly check our Author's note on KazzenlX's Readers (Official Group) on Facebook. The note was written today (19th July 2021). Thank you very much. 🙂


So Alicia and Zeres won't find love? If death is the reward for kindness, I'd rather be a wicked one 😳😳😳 I can't believe the outcome that I assumed in my mind is making me emotional right now 😭😭😭 It hurt so bad..... 💔💔💔 Good Job Kazz, your perfection got me like this😢 All love ✌️✌️


Sad that Alicia is ready to say goodbye but also so is Zeres. Just want to save eachother😭


How am i enjoying this book, I love the story and hope none of the characters die. I am so stress waiting for more chapters, but if i need wait i will not have another option. To the author, please fell happy and proud of your work and do not let the lack of education of some to put you down, it is not worth it. Negativity should make you stronger and more proud of your work and not put you down as there are much more readers that will wait for the rest of those chapter. well done and thank you for the time it takes you to bring such a lovely story to us. ohh just one more thing, please do not let any one die and make love conquer all. jajaja. thank you again.


Hello Dear Kazennix, I have been waiting for the continuation of this book.I have been purchasing tha locked episodes to make it visible for me to read hope it will be soon and will have a great happy ending for us all readers and followers thank you


Whyyyyyy is it taking so longggggg i just wanna know how it ends but only get like one chapter every blue moon


I'm very disappointed with Zeres, first: he did not tell Alicia the real reason he wants to dye; the person he is supposedly in love with. Second: he went ahead and made all the decisions without involving anyone or asking any of his friends for ideas. Third: now he seems afraid of dying; he is attacking Kyle and Lucas in an attempt to distracting Zeke. Well he made the decision to dye, he should stop prolonging it. 😠


I do believe somehow Alicia passed her remaining power to Lilith in hope she could save herself, Lucas and Kyle. Lilith you can do this!


The only thing i cn do is vOte coz ur creativity is beyond my imagination so i cn jxt vote that's all thanks


It's fyn with us Kazzen dr....tnx a lot🤗💗💕💋💖


aghhh the suspense is at its highest my heart is about to burst out of my chest 😖 will this barrier be enough to protect them???


ahhhhh I'm biting 😬my Neil I'm steel hoping that can happen A MIRACLE why has zeres too die and what is zeke. keeping voting Hellbounders 🖤🤍💛


Ugh this is so Heart wrenching and heart breaking. Ahhhh I’m so stressed right now LOL.


So does zeres not want to die anymore? I think Zeke is strong enough to kill him now. I don’t understand why he is sending the demons to target others? 🤔


OMG! Does alicia save Zeres or not! I love this book, but these dragged out battle scenes get to me! The same with the other evil lady. It’s like it went on for months, one scene! That is too much!


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


As of this writing (July 29,2021/20:41 Manila time) regular chapters are updated up to 681. If you can't see the chapters, try clearing cache on settings or remove the book from the library then re-add it again. The chapters will appear. Many thanks Hellbounders.