
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You


the way this story is going i kinda want Alicia &Zeres to be together 😭🤥i was literally crying wen reading this


Dang it! lol. Everytime I catch up on the new chapters I always end at the cliffhanger parts! lol. started reading this back in October and at that time there were like 424 chapters. Haven't left this baby since! I typically read each day when I'm notified of new updates... but this past week or so I've had some upsetting things to handle and my mind just hasn't been on reading. I will say that it was really nice to come back to this story after multiple chapters were added. I enjoy my reading experience much more when I have at least like 15-20 chapters to read. I might try to start reading this as a weekly thing for that reason... not saying that's gonna be easy in the least bit to do! hehe. There's sooooo much about Zeke I can't wait to learn!! His whole character has been one big mystery in itself since the beginning! He knows something that he is keeping from the rest of the group and I'm so afraid it's not good news!! Dear author, I don't know how it could work out to where no one dies... but pleassssse keep them all alive! Is it a little too much for me to ask for there to be a way for Zeke and Alicia to be together as well as Kyle and Lilith?! The vampire prophetess drives me crazy and that Zeke fella! 😂


Zeres is feeling very guilty for absorbing Alicias powers but its not his fault may be he's meant to be the witches king since its not the first time that such thing happens and may be it has something to do with the fact that he drank Alicia's blood before 😔 so what if he tries to have her drink some of his own blood maybe that might help her gain some strength and power Idk I just want them all alive 😭


What is happening to her??!!!


Now Zeres is going to be more determined to die now😭really want them all the live! Alicia is a fighter!


i dont want alicia or zeres to die please




Ok i have a theory.... Zeke knows where the cavern is that they need. He is making them go to all these other ones to help train Kyle with real life experiance and also to buy time until Alicia dies. I believe he has seen the proohacy and knows that Zeres will never be able to stay alive and have a witch queen rule. Thus the queen must die so Zeres can take his place as the eternal witch King just like he was born to be. This is just my plot twist theory! LOL


Not so used to seeing Alicia this helples and powerless. And even with that she didn't want Zeke to see her condition. 🥺 (he knew of it,Queen) Zeres is feeling guilty now with all his lies to her...I think he should just tell her the truth.. she'd understand..and she won't let Zeres kill himself. but does Zeres plan to leave Alicia and get back with Zeke and co. but let's go back to the rogue vampires who as Zeke claims r dead ones..who summoned them?why? (they want to rule?) thankies for the chapters💕keep on voting my fellow Hellbounders 😎



Definitely not ready for the waterworks I know are coming!


Oh i sure how he doesn't do something reckless


poor Zere... will he ever have a happy ending? He really wants to help Alicia and is willing to die for her. And Alicia, it must be very difficult for someone as strong as her to be in her situation. And Zeke what is he looking for? 🤔


Please please please please I need all these characters to overcome and all survive and have happy endings with romance!!!! 😭😭😭 The Alicia and Zeres situation is breaking my heart into pieces! 😭💔💔💔


Remember when alex on his worst conditions and his cure is abi? What ifff alicia cures is zeres?? What if they married and her conditions be better ? Ahhhh I just hope for that😭 coz apparently zeke will end up with human girl so that will be the best for alicia..


dying for an update to this cliffhanger! i come here everyday to check! and vote of course! zeke and Alicia and kyle and Lilith need to show the super natural world that with love, it is all possible. (also, remember the girl zeke drank from? there was a spark there....)


Im wondering if she dies once all the power has been transferred to Zeres or if maybe she will just be human? Hopefully it doean’t get that bad though


Please please add more chapters Cant get enough of this story I love it So please more more more chapters


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


What will happen to Alicia ? I think Zeres should marry Alicia to save her might be the only solution to regain her powers .. just saying love is the conqueror 😘 😘 😘