
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You


Hellbound is the best book ive read so far, i cant understand why it didnt win gold 😢

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You will always be our Gold winner Darling!!!Hellbounders are all very proud of you and your achievements.Lets cheer up😂😂 Mwahhugs💕 let me give you some gold😝😂😍 Love u♥️😘

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This book is the reason I downloaded the app and paid for the subscription. It is truly one of the best stories I've ever read. Kazzen you are phenomenal!


So did Zeke fulfill the prophecy of killing Abi knowing that Abi will live again? Thank God Dinahs no more. At least Zeres didn't become bones yet..something to do with Alicia blood perhaps? Or there's more to that? Can I just applaud the brilliance of how very specific and detailed that Dinah from being the she dragon, combusted,then turned to bones...that was one of the highlights of this chapter💕 And Alicia crying for Abi was a tearful moment..and how she's happy when Abi's brought to life. Amazed on our Queen Witch's questions on the Prophetess 😎👍 The only way to stop a raging Alex is Abi's hug and touch... thank you for a great chapter 💕

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You may not have won gold now but LOOK AT ALL YOUR LOYAL READERS! Theres a famous photo of Meryl Streep prefamous on the NYC Subway after she was turned down from a role because she wasnt pretty enough.. she didnt win that part, at that moment she decided to rise above the rejection and keep pursuing here Dream... Today shes a multi time golden globe, academy awards- you name it shes Won It .... Dont Stop believing in all of the wonderful things you have done just because you Didnt win something which is so small in comparison to the growth you have made personally and as a writer. Think of all of the amazing stories you will share with people in the future. You win a gold in my book dear author, and hope you take those tears and turn them into passion to rise above and keep sharing your amazing stories!

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I'm so proud of you, your effort, your writing, your story and your win. You are definitely growing and learning and you will continue to for as long as you live. Be proud. The effort you have put into this book has won the gold more than tenfold as far as I'm concerned. You are amazing! Once I finish reading this, I fully intend to read everything you've written! Keep it up kiddo. You're great and I believe you will only get better from here!

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Winning silver is a wonderful accomplishment. This book is amazing and I have loved every part of it. I know this isn't the outcome you wanted but you have achieved more than you know. I am a teacher and I have seen so many students grow, just as I have seen growth through this novel. It is important to always remember that external rewards should and will never compete with the internal rewards of looking at what the experience has done for you and how it has helped you grow as a writer and as a person. Thank you for all of your hard work as I can't imagine what a challenge it has for you to give the world as much creativity as you have given us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Don’t be so hard on yourself Kazzenlx. Your accomplishment is outstanding. Winning the silver means you're still further ahead than mostly everyone. Most importantly your still a winner. There are thousands of authors who would love to be in your position. Chin up and take pride in your accomplishment. I’ve read plenty of stories on this app and this story is by far one of the best. I look forward to reading future stories from you. You’ll forever be hall of fame in my book 🤗

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Dear Author, I believe that Silver is an amazing accomplishment!! I know you wanted Gold, but we all want you and your story and appreciate your hard work and persistence and dedication. We all know it took a mental, emotional and physical toll. I want you take a moment to reflect that when you entered this small competition, did you think of yourself as an author? How did you envision your authorship? and fan base? Have you grown in the way you hoped? Have you reached people’s hearts and expressed your wonderful creativity to its full potential? If so, then I think that this is much more important milestone than silver vs Gold. And as I have said many times, we are here with you.

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Congrats on the Silver!!! You are the SOLE reason I even have this application. I came up in a facebook ad & I just had to have it! Do not ever doubt yourself as a writter. This is an amazing story & I’m still excited to wake up to the new chapters everyday! From what I understand, you came in 2nd place? That’s what the silver means? That’s amazing considering the amount of books in this App! Don’t lose faith in yourself! I read your other book while waiting for your chapters to load. Talented beyond words! Keep your head up & let your gift be shared! You are very gifted! Ps.. Thanks for saving Abi!!

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this has been a great read I have read a lot of books and this one keeps me wanting more thank you

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You should have gotten the Gold along with Ash_knight. You and Ash are basically going head to head for the number 1 spot! For what it’s worth, a lot of us readers see you as our Golden no.1 author and your novel Hellbound With You!!! You have a lot of supporters and don’t let this “Silver Award” stop you from doing and giving your best towards your writing and as a person. We don’t know you personally but your hardwork shows a great quality in your work ethics. We truly appreciate it. In my opinion, you’re my number one author. You’re the reason why I decided to spend money on this platform otherwise I just waited for the Freepass option. Anyways, you are loved and appreciated. We are rooting for you and believe in you so don’t let this shatter your ability to make us happy, laugh, angry and sad. You also had our minds juggling just to see what had happened or what’s to happen in the story!!! You have created a HWY community and will surely grow more because we will be following you for your new novels🥰 Hugs and much love for the best author Kazzen❣️❣️❣️

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hellbound is pure gold forget those people I will reread this book avain and again

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Dear author, i felt ur words u expressed but u did do something good. u touched many people like me that dived into ur story and became part of the world you created. i do hope u write a fee more chapters to give it closure. Even if u didnt get gold as u hoped .. u gained loyal readers that followed ur imagination and every word you typed. i myself fell in love with ur story u created! Thank you for giving us something enjoyable!

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I love this story. Silver is a fantastic award. This story was one of the best! Be proud of your work, and yourself.

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this is seriously my favorite book and it's not even finished yet. I've laughed, I've cried, and I've loved and hated these characters and everything in between. don't focus so much on silver or gold. just use it to push you further. your writing is literally the best ive read and you have a loyal follower. can't wait to see you on NY Bestseller list 😉

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Kazzen it may not have been gold but it is still an outstanding achievement 🤩 out of thousands of authors and stories you came in silver that is absolutely amazing luv!!! We all think you are golden so please do not be hard on yourself you have done amazing thing and have written one of the best stories i have ever read. Please be proud of yourself ❤️🤩🙌🏻🥳

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This is the Best online book I am Reading so far ! Thank you... 🙏💐

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For me you are Our Winner

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oh my yes, I knew it had something to do with the prophetis, another fulfilled prophecy good job Zeke 👏👏👏 well done even though there were times where we hated you but good thing it turned out to be like this. Is Zeres still alive because he drank Alicia's blood? I hope so, he doesn't deserve to die he needs to find his memories and live a happy life with his friends. My dear Author Kazzen in our hearts you're the best and I'm sure all of us hellbounders regard you as the winner.🏆🎉🎊 Keep growing and don't give up!!! Congratulations!!!!🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉💖💖💖😘😘😘🎊🎉🎊🎉🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆

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this is absolutely one of the best books I've read in a very long time!!!! please please publish it! I started telling all my friends about it since I started reading. its the most epic tale and I love it