
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You


How did Abi came back to life?! And Zeke, please tell me he didnt die?


ok wait..what did just happened there?!?!? how come Abi's alive?(of course I wanted her to live together with Alex...but it seemed like she died already when she said her last words to Alex) Zeke killed Abi for the dragons to die (but did they?) or is it just to transform the dragons back to their human appearance..and the only guy who can do that is the heartless Zeke! Gotta play the bad guy..is that it? Damn immortals,Zeke says...is Abi one? what happens to Dinah and Zeres? Was it the end for them..or they'd be back in human form/witch form but their powers no more? Are they considered immortals still? Should I get mad at Zeke or not?!😭😭😭 Gosh..I'm gonna die..you're playing with my emotions😭😭 One moment I was mad at Zeke,then cried for Abi,cried for Alex too,got mad together with Alex as he throw those punches at Zeke,then got shocked to see an alive Abigail?!?!Wicked author but I love you!!!😭 (my last words haha) at any rate now I'm gonna go crazy


At thIs point, Im Kind of frustrated wIth the story. this whole 1-2 chaPter release and battle lasting forever and so confusing. i still hate zeke, if he knew That abi had to die then why did he help dinah build these minions and goiNg Thru this whole plan where so many if his vampires, Including Riev, died? His plan was stupid and the fact that he wants to kill all dragons thats inCluding Alex, supposedly his frieNd, is frustrating. at this point even if he had Some good intentions, in my Eyes he can never redeem himself. i had a feeling he will kill abi. and here we go again...abi is alive yet we have to wait till tomorrow To find out why....it takes too long.


So is Abi immortal too? I hope she and Zeres live. As for Zeke... at least he got a good beating, well deserved , no matter what his plan was.


😓wowI think I stopped breathing until I read the Part where she called Alex name and hugged him 🥺🥺🥺🥺


So happy she's alive! This isn't the end, right? How did she come back so quickly? Did Alex kill Zeke? Hopefully not, so that he can explain everything.


Kazzen! Thank god Abi’s alive cos I was heart broken for Alex. Cant wait to read what happens next. I like that this story is long because i love long reads. I just want to know why Zeke took this long to stab Abi if he knew killing her was the answer? Unless all this took him long to figure it out. I hope Riev didn’t die for no reason if Zeke could have stabbed Abi ages ago. Are Dinah and Zeres dead. If so how is Alex alive. After Abi telling Alicia her dream did she cast a spell to protect Abi from harm? Randomly thinking was that tumour Abi had a fail safe for her to die so the dragon blood line could die? I miss poor Lexus. And I hope Zeres gets some sort of justice cos what happened to him was cruel. His memories has to be rectified. Dinah needs to be dead now. Also wasnt there an ultimate bad guy behind the scenes pulling strings and using Dinah thats what Zeke said many chapters ago 🤔

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I still love your story and chsracters so much. It is definitely a great lovestory. Thank uou so much for giving us something else to think about and obsess over, You have just become my favorite author.


It can't be over yet. Zeke said he was supposed to explain things. He hasnt done that yet. My theory is Zeke killed Abie the dragon master. But not the person.


Im a little lost but im sure itll make sense when the Next chapters are released, I really hope Abi and Alex are both ok and can finally relax and be together. i feel so sad for them.. sigh. :) great story, ive said this before but ill say it again this NEEDS to be a movie ❤️


dear author... congratulations for winning the silver. dont worry for us your readers this definitely should have won the gold. there will be more next time. keep on writing wonderful books... fighting! aja!!! cheer up!!!


I'm not sure if I remember this correctly or not, but before Alicia was taken away and Abi was helping them fight and controlling the mists, I think at one point, it was said Abi's eyes turned gold. So maybe she is an immortal now? And if that is true, this leads to more questions!


Third time reading it..and chap 538 is one for the books!!!Wow..couldn't get emotional and crazier than that!!!But I still have lots of questions!!!Ah bless my poor heart!!! Thankies for the chaps♥️


Is Abi really alive??🥺 Is Zeke really on their side ???????? Will he live?😐 Is Dinah finally dead?😤😤😤😤😡😡😡 Why did Zeres have to die?😔


what just happen ??????


How did that happen. I'm super excited that Abi is alive but confused also


OMG! This was freaking intense. I was wondering what would the storry be without Abigail around. Now that she’s talking, did she heal herself? Would we have to go through months of skipped to find out how she come back alive or something? Why did Zeke go through all this just to end her life like this? Why are so many things being kept in thw dark? Overall, this whole entire battle cause so many questions that needs answers. I’m still not clear on why so many things keep appearing and not letting this coulle be. 😩 I don’t even know if I’m making sense at all.


So maybe a part of Abi died which was the part connected to the dragons which inturn killed the “dragons” so Zeres should still be alive? Maybe? But then how does this affect Dinah 🥴 my brain is soo confused.


Wow!!! So what just happen ??? Is that really Abigail??? Are the dragons dead??? What about Zeke ???Zeke Suppose to be immortal also. Author you got us. I’m on pins and needles right now .


I'm not going to ask any questions because I know I'll find out how Abi is still alive in the next chapter. I was holding my breath without realizing it reading this chapter. Thank you for posting 2 chapters because if you had left us after the first one I would've screamed in agony.😉


Please more thAn one chapter every 24 hours . im on the edge of my seat