
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You


how come i cant subscribe to privelege updates?? 😥😥😥 i can't read thr updates for 2 days nowww


Well done goddess Abi!!!She unlocked and unraveled some of her powers but the mists made them lose Alicia. It was the perfect decoy for Zeke! Coz Alex turned his full attention to Abi (which is understable) But then I feel Alicia can take care of herself!!!But are you really one of Dinah's,Zeke?🥺🥺Or you're on your own,doing your kinda plans?🤔 keep on voting my fellow Hellbounders!😊Always thankful here for every chapter❤️

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Kazzen, Do what you need to do to take care of yourself. You can't pour from an empty cup.. Eat healthy, sleep, meditate/pray, laugh with friends and family. We may anticipate the next chapter but, and I think I can speak for us, we'd much prefer a healthy human. We will survive one chapter a day; in the end you have to live with you and your mental health is of the utmost importance. Thank you for writing an amazing story and please take care of yourself. 💜

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I Love You Monster and I Hate You Devil are both amazing! I started with Hellbound and ended up reading ILYM and IHYD while waiting for more. Now I want more from all of them 😊

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Take your time if we are faithful readers then we will be here no matter what


I knew Zeke would use Abis power as a distraction to get Alicia!! Whoa so Abis eyes glow gold too!!!😱😱just cant wait for more❤️❤️

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Always sticking With u...totally awesome

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😭😭😭😭I really feel like a spoiled child for asking and wanting for more chapters!! But please don’t blame me for your story is so exciting and addicting to read. But I surely understand writing is not that simple as a walk in the park. It takes a lot of energy away from your dear beautiful brain. So yes, take the time you need! You have to take care of yourself too. I truly appreciated with the work you’ve done for us spoiled readers🥰 we’re so hooked on your daily updates with 2 or 3 chapters in the past. It’s hard to let go of that now especially being in the most thrilling and exciting part of the story! But I’ll rather have YOU HEALTHY AND WELL RESTED than an exhausted author❣️ I love your story and will stick with you ‘til the end😍 Thanks for sharing an awesome novel♥️😍❣️

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In love with this story...can't get enough!!! Definitely understand your need for a mental break.


I love this!! Is this was a show or movie i would watch ot hundereds of times!! After this i over im gonna go back and read it again!


So far this story has caught my attention and not let go. I love this story, its characters, settings and its author! You write very well. Keep up the great work!!! I hope to see more of Abi and Alex soon! Looking forward to seeing the ending you come up with.


This neeeeeeeeds to be a movie .. I have spent so much readinv this book 😅😂 its painful but worth every penny!


I love this story, but not happy, spent way more then if I bought a book at a book store and l know by the 6 day old comments that I should be able to finish what is written. Once I finish, If able, I will delete this money hungry site forever.

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Thank you Kazzen💜 I need to know what happens so im with you til the end😉 And now that two ppl disappeared instead of just one im having a mini heart attack 😂😂😂😂 And i have started reading your other book wich i also love. Thank you again for everything 💜💜

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Thanks for all the hard work creating this story. I have really enjoyed following Alex and Abi’s journey. It’s hard yo be this creative and I always look forward to the next chapter update. Keep up the wonderful work! 😊

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Kazzen, you really are the best. We love your work. This book deserves to be #1. Your earlier works are fun and show a trend of just how much you have grown as an author. Thank you for giving us your “all”. Just take the time you need. We will be here.


See this! I just gifted the story: Magic Wand


Man...I could picture Abi in my head as she was letting off that mist. Great description dear author! Anxious to see what happens next. This Dinah character is just a human who was given dragon blood. She has got to goooooo!

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Me too! Currently reading ILYM right now!

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Thankyou so much kazzen for the chapter despite your struggles! I have often wondered how you do it, as frustrating as it is to want to carry on reading more, it must be tough having to keep the creative juices flowing all the time! Thankyou so much for this story and keeping us with reading material everyday !it doesn't go unappreciated! You truly have a talent! ❤️

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I will ABSOLUTELY read it to the end! Thank you!!