
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You


Are you serious??? That is an awful trick to put that spell on Zeres. For him to think he's was married to Abigail and she was never even in love with him. That is so wrong. Good twist to the story.


Man..I'm getting a soft spot in my heart for Zeres along with a thousand questions...


I can't take it!!! please release more chapters . pretty please, sugar on top! I'm dying not being able to read this story, I'm slowly losing it. I need Abi and Alex in my life! 😚


**Heyo.Moderator here.I know everyone's eager for more chapters ,but please bear with the chap for now. We have another typhoon in the country right now and is experiencing heavy rains and strong winds atm. Telecommunications problems and electricity/power interruptions may occur. Know that Kazzen is doing her best to write and publish them chaps but when it's the force of nature that we're dealing with,that'll be beyond human control.Thank you for your concerns,prayers patience and understanding dearest Hellbounders.🙏🙏


so it seems like Zeres has been living with these false memories of Abigail...which witch made the spell?his mother? (is his mother still alive?) the guts of our Queen Alicia into delving into more of Zeres' memories...(applause to that..she's trying real hard) but Zeres knows Alicia might do just that(I figure he's letting her do it)...and then she heard something..could it be that he's asking for help? his soul trapped somewhere? or was it the torture he went through in those 22years? is he someone to be trusted? If he sees Abigail what will he do?or will that trigger on making him remember the true memories?that's why someone's blocking Zeres in finding Abigail? Zeke knows a lot...this guy is the true mystery😵😅😂I luv his 'i don't give a damn or care' look but he obviously cares. thank you for the chap💕 keep in voting fellow Hellbounders😊 lemme read this again


This was such a hard chapter to read😭. My heart breaks for Zeres. He has been such a loyal and selfless friend sacrificing his happiness and life for those around him. I truly love this character as well. I hope so badly that he finds love soon. He really deserves it...He has been mentally and physically tourtured🥺. Abi not loving him in return more than a friend, watching Abi and Alex together, protecting Abi from Dinah, then thinking he is protecting Abi from Alex, finding out his mother betrayed him after spending countless nights being by his mothers side to protect her...even when he wouldve rather been with Abi, selflessly giving his life to the man that has the heart of the woman he loves, now to wake up from death and be physically tourtured and given false memories that will tourture him more giving him false hope!! I can’t take much more. Don’t get me wrong..I LOVE Abi and Alex and want them happily together desperately...but Zeres deserves that with someone too, and hopefully soon. He’s given enough and been through enough. My heart truly hurts for this character. My empath personailty is going nuts. My guess is that Zeres’ mother is still alive and is the one behind all this. I mean she technically orchastrated this from the beginning. She gave those two the dragon’s blood and betrayed her son manipulating his memories in the past before he died. Sounds like this has got her name all over it. I know she “smashed the bottle to the ground”, but she could have went back after doing some research or something. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Also, when Zeres’ mother had Abi under a spell in the past...it seemed very similar to the way Abi was acting in the forest that night Alex found her in a trance...when Abi’s superpower protected her. So much to ponder and anticipate.


ive always felt sorry for zeres, but not enough for him to have abi. sorry dude. find another wifey.


Please more chapters i am obbsed with this book i have read all 495 chapters in 5 days have lost sleep i need more pls.


OMG poor poor Zeres 😭😭 im really glad hes not a bad guy 😁🥰 but his pain is unbearable. Please stay safe Kazzen!! Amazing chapter as always xxx


Oh poor Zeres🥺 I don’t think he’s a a bad guy. Kazzen thank you for your kindness and generosity for giving us one chapter to enjoy😊 at least! Be safe and take care‼️


I wonder who's more shady??? Our dear author or Zeke? 😊😊😊 Take care.


I hope you publish this when its complete i would love to own this as paper back!


Love how Zeke is just standing there like yup I knew it🤣 Poor Abi is going to be so confused and not wanting to hurt anyone but Alex’s jealously will be on another level because he cant kill Zeres


Poor Zeres hope she can help him


poor Zeres... i wonder what happened to him...and who is this traitor witch??? i can't seem to remember. .can somebody remind me please ??? what game is Zeke playing again???








See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


I feel uneasy! How horrifying this will be for Abi when she finds out!