
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You




when Zeke whispered to Alicia when he gave that warning... I died....of happiness🤭😂😍🤣 so it's clear that Dinah and Zeres are together..with Zeke sorta helping them out...but why did Zeres came just now? Does Zeres plan to hurt Abigail? What does Zeres want from Alicia(I think Dinah is not with them here..I'm sure she recognizes Alicia back in the ziggurat)but boy oh boy,Zeke seems to be playing with fire here.He is one master tactician..not laying all he knows,even the plans of the enemy ...(maybe these ancient witches would know what he'd be up to)...but I trust that his loyalty is to Alex. I will re read this later..gotta work again😁😁😁


It’s clear that Zeke won’t admit to having feelings for anyone or anything lol but his actions of being light on Alicia while battling, saving her from the falling wall, and going beyond to carry her safely to an area where she can reach help speaks louder than words. He’s never gone beyond to personally help anyone in this story so there is something there. Even though Alicia is not able to sense anything from Zeke, she understands him like no one else does. Maybe it’s a royalty thing, going above and beyond for greater good of your people. It could be why she trusts him so much. There’s a lot of mention in this story that vampires and witches hate each othe so I think it’s going to take a lot for Alicia and especially Zeke to admit they have feelings for one another or they just might keep it a secret between them two 😉.


I’d like it If Alicia and Zeres got together, Ezekiel can have that girl he bit. Dinah is still crazy for Alex we all saw the gross flirting during the fight.


ughhhh 1 chapter at a time is killing me!!


This is a great book. I’m so confused though. Hahahahahaha. Now, for the million dollar question, does Zeres remembers Abigail or is she completely wipe out from his memories.


Who is the REAL CHEESE in this trap? I have a hunch its for Zeke? 🧀 If Alicia have feelings for Ezekiel, then yea I kinda felt a little sad for Riev, although Alicia is a Witch Queen and Riev’s status may not be on par – yet. 👑 Then again, Zeres seemed harmless at this moment, he hasn’t really attached Alicia at all but portrayed enemy look in the first stance. So yea, my next question is, Ezekiel being a pure-blooded vampire and a royal highness, WHY IS HE TAKING LISTENING AND ABIDING TO ZERES’s ORDERS obediently?


OMG!!! what just Happened??? is Zeres really working with Dinah?? is he actually going to harm her again?? or does he just want her for him and somehow he wants to get rid of Alex...and Zeke why did he have to appeared?? he's definitely protecting Alicia but why did Zeres thought of him as being the perfect cheese for the mousetrap??? did he discovered that Zeke and Alicia have feelings for each other??? if so this is too exciting 😁😁😁 but as well I'm worried that he will use this to harm both of them 😖😖😖 cant wait to know if Zeres is trying to harm Abby or what's going on with him, also so eager to know what happened to his memory did he lose it like Alex or does he still knows everything?? I think that Dinah still has her memory because she was a human back then and she is still a descendent of the dragon keeper's family and that's probably why it didn't affect her??? on the other hand Alex and Zeres are both from royal families so it had affected them in a different way??? idk but im so eager to know. thanks for the new chapter author Kazzen 💖


Okay...here is a crazy thought...is it possible that Zeke is also an immortal and has been around just as long or longer than any of them? He seems to have the upper hand on each immortal (Alex, Dinah, and Zeres)🤔 He is also close with each of them and has gained their full trust. My hunch is that Zeke was there when the two of them woke in that crystal cave too...the question I have is whether or not he is good. My heart says yes...but you never know. I think Zeres and Alicia would be a beautiful pair.


Yes!!! Zeke and Alicia💜💜💜 lol. But i still don’t trust him 🤷🏻‍♀️ And i don’t know what is going to happen in 2 days, and how Zeres is going to make sure nothing happens to Alicia within that time🤔


Haha I think she like him but I really don't like zere even though he saved Alexander. I can't stand him for the past maybe time will make me happy or maybe it won't but I Still don't see how Dinah remembers or even if she does. We will see


If I didn't know any better I'd say that Zeres is trying to play wingman for ol' Zeke/Kiel and Queen Alicia!!! 😁😁😁 AND I AM HERE FOR ITTT!!!


I'm hella confused...😭😭😭😭😭 I won't say or speculate anything... I'll jxt go wid de flow if Kazzen😁🤗😍💃


dying over here with 1 chapter a day[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]


Zeke is killing me... I feel that he is playing on a seesaw and picking a side when he feels like it. I am sure he has a plan but good gosh. I am glad though that he stepped in to protect Alicia.


Ooh!!! Thank you for all the chapters!!! It was a pleasant surprise to open the book and see them all waiting to be read! Zeke’s mysteriousness just keeps getting bigger!


love this book


Me gusta mucho esta historia🤣😂💕🤣🤣🤣🤣😂💕😒😍😍



Oh Zeke..Alicia..

