
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You


Very obvious that Alex and Abigail has history that neither one of them remember from the pass


It's Lexus mist that's protecting Abi..but I think there's more to it really. She said she's just a human..not a witch nor vamp..but she's got this tremendous power before her(something she can't explain too I feel) I remember when Abi first saw Alex' black dragon tattoo on his back,she wasn't afraid instead she was like trying to tame it by her touches.(could that be the moment that Lexus and Abi was like..they meet again..after so long?) Just like how she can tame Lexus on this backstory. Abi's probably a supernatural being/superhuman(not a super Saiyan😆😆✌️✌️) Lots of revelation from this power Abi and Lexus' possessed..it's obvious though that they worked hand in hand. Keep the revelations coming😊 Thankies for the chaps 💕♥️ keep on voting my fellow Hellbounders 😊😎


The dragon is in love with abi. Once Dragon was killed his soul must have transferred to alex. thats Why Abi Is irresistible to him. Very interesting 🧐


Alex and Abi are drawn to each other even in her past life. I wonder if something happens to her which makes her tell Alex about the dragons blood so that the dragon would be safe with Alex since hes not a dragon keeper. Alex is really loyal so I don't see him befriending Abi and then betraying her by killing Lexus. Something must have happened for him to get the dragons blood. The story Alex tells earlier on was just the highlights.


So.... very interesting chapter.! I Love the way this story unfolds. This particular chapter answered one question, but presented ton more. Alex and I now have an explanation for the mist and dead bodies that surrounded Abi in the forest. But the but the questions for me??? 1. Is the dragon still alive, cause that would mean, and prove that Abi is indeed still the dragon master. 2. What happened to Zeres? Will they reconnect, and if so, as friends or foe? 3. Did Abi fed Alex the dragon blood, once again saving his life? Perhaps this is the reason for their unbreakable bond? I am completely drawn in, can’t wait for more. Kudos to the author! Awesome story telling!!!


I have a feeling zeres is up to no good. I think he wont meet the Dragon as he was sent as a spy for the witches to befriend and then control Abi. Abi found him Hurt and helped him but it was part of the plan to use her. i think Alex will figure it out but too late and the dragon will be killed so he has to drink its bloods to perserve its soul. but Abi will die of a broken heart. i really hope the story heads this way!! If it heads the direction that Alex kills the dragon to be accepted by the Vampire king and breaks her heart i will be mortified and truly feel so so sad xxxx Please dont let Alex be a traitor author 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🥰🥰🥰


I wonder if Alex’s father caught wind of him being with the Dragon and sends his forces to try to kill Abi and Take the blood for himself. In doing so, the Dragon and Abi are badly hurt and Abi quickly tells Alex to drink the blood because she knows he Is the best person for it. Before passing, she places her memories in the necklace knowing she will be reincarnated at some point in time and will retrieve these memories when the time is right. Alex being a vampire and loving Abi may have had some sort of blood bond placed on her, and Zeres being a witch may have conducted a spell making resurrection possible for Abi. I think Zeres and Zeke are the same person and he is the one person in the past that was able to retrieve his memories, which could explain why Abi’s and his eyes locked the very first time they met each other, as well as the lengths he goes to bring Alex and Abi together.


Im having a hard time believing its just the dragon's mist 🤔 I think it's a combination of both. It has to be! Alex and Abi are THE IT team! Maybe that's why in the forest she was in trouble and Alex found her with the mist. PEOPLE VAPE NOW IN DAYS, BUT YOU KNOW ABOUT MISTING? 😂


This is getting too good! But im so Not a patient person lol The waiting game sucks! Awesome job though as usual!


Omg i need more 😫💕💕this is sooooo gooOooddddd!!!!


🚨 OK IT'S THEORY TIME! 🚨 So I'm thinking this old Abi is the current "mystery deceased mom" character and NOT our modern fruity lamb. That's all I got for now. 😎


This is the best book I’m so addicted you need right a book and quite your day job and be a author

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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Abi is astonishing. I knew she was powerful. Yay go Abi ❤ not just a mere human after all. Love Love this 💜💜💜💜 Amazing job Kazeen you did ot again.. Thank you XoXo

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See this! I just gifted the story: Grimoire

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


I wonder If lexus becomes to possesive of Abi and Alex’s relationship and that is why Alex has to kill the dragon?

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See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop


lanzamiento masivo pls🙏🙏🙏




thank you