
Comments of chapter undefined of Hellbound With You


I love it! Abi the dragon keeper! Befriend two one of a kind creature half blood! Poor Alex was a lonewolf in his family. Does Alex become good friends and then kills Lexus behind AbI back! Oh no! Scary! Could he become a keeper and definder of the dragon and someone comes to kill the dragon and tHe dragon ask Alex to drink It for power to keep the world “safe” ah makes my brain think think think love it!!! What about the half witch does he have feelings for Abi ? 🥰🥰🥰🥰🤔🤔🤔🤔


So Abi is the Dragon Keeper and could it be the Dragon's Master now?( I mean then)If she's left alone on dark dragon hills, and the noble family presumed killed and wiped out..who is this mom appearing before her?( I mean the veiled woman)was she really dead or alive all those years? I have a feeling Abi,Alex and Zeres became good friends here...but something could have happened that everything from the past is all forgotten.🤔 Alexander and Lexus..I think they'd make a great pair too🤭🤔 ( did Alex became the dragons Master during his 'would be stay' on here?..assuming he stays with Abi) Getting really interesting,it keeps you at the edge of your seat.😎It makes you think more too,which is all good for the brain haha!😂Thank you for the chapters my darling luv😘😘Relax alright .we're not going anywhere and stay with you til the end!😊😎💕♥️ keep on voting my fellow Hellbounders 😊


Hmm 🤔 ...Dragon master? That would explain why Abi is irresistible to Alex when he becomes the dragon. She really is a goddess...😈 Kinda reminds me of game Of thrones girl who was a dragon keeper ( i think im the only human who hasnt watched that movie yet tho lol 😂 )

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This story is absolutely amazing and I seriously appreciate your hard work! Like another comment says, as sad as it is to see that you’re slowing down, I definitely understand the need for less work and taking a break! Im so excited for your updates and look forward to reding more when you do update again! Take care of yourself and wonderful job with this story! 🖤


Zeres is the one behind the vailed witch and trying to get Abi’s blood to kill Alex and control the last dragon!!!


I have so many questions was this how alex became immortal really and he just made up a story or did he betray abi and kill her dragon? so many questions I need more you need to become an author so you don't have to work another job I'm tired of your other job taking up your time. your work is brilliant I think.... 😭😭😭😭😭

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I can't get enough of this book!!

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Our dear author - thank you for your wonderful creations - Daily 😁is just wonderful - 💕- Im a great fan of youR work 💝 Im glad your Feeling better 😊

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Rest, we will survive.

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This story literally keeps me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to see what happens next!! You are so talented with writing!!


So Abi is the dragon keeper/master and now that alex had killed the former dragon and become the new one, that woukd explain why she is able to control him and doesn’t fear him...so what happened between the 3 of them after he killed the dragon?

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I am OBSESSED with book!!! I absolutely Love it! I can’t seem to put it down, I am literally up until the wee hours of the morning reading despite having work. It just keeps getting more and more interesting and captivating as the story evolves


Thanks for Your hard work. we understand and will be here waiting for the chaptet releases when you are ready. Please maintain your health.

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Literally sitting on the edge of my seat! Twists are truly captivating !

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Its 4:30am but all I can think about is Alex and Abi. Is she the dragon master? Cant wait for the next chapters. You take care of your health

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Glad you're feeling better! I have so many questions about these Long Lost Tale chapters - is that Abigails potentially immortal mother, who is also called Abigail? Is it our Abigail, and she's had some kind of spell on her to move her through time? I know there's some content on the importance of the soul, like when Abigail stabbed Alex and half his soul died. Is the Young Abigails soul in our Abigail? Ahhhh too many questions!


Nice. Abigail is a noble huh.. Human noble is special and unique, they r meant to control the dragons, haha so which means maybe there is another dragon in the slumber since Alex already killed the one back then? Or Abi is the one who can control both Alex and that immortal human who took the dragon blood? I wonder how is Abigail gonna unleash her powers.... what sort of powers? Lol! Who knows its as easy as giving a whistle and the dragon comes snuggling to her side? How cute! 😍

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so as disappointed as I am to see your note about slowing down, I 100% understand and support you. you gotta take care of you first. btw, awesome job again! i cant wait to see what happens next!!!!


Glad dat u r kk now Kazzen🤗🤗🤗


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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Don’t burn out author! We NEED you! 🙃 Stay well. 🥰