
Comments of chapter undefined of A Bored Lich

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i would say the story got less complex with everything coming together, in a good way. Some the ngs in a story, in my opinion, should be left mysterious and unknown, such as demon magic, we don't need to know how it works, only what the result of it is, that way you don't get caught up in needless details to satisfy a few curious people. it also allows for a more open ended advancement in case you wanted to pull out say a trump card without it seemingly to come out of there butt. I'd say you pacing is good but excruciating. I guess just keep up the good work

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I think the problem is just that since the chapters are so spaced out we’ve been slowly forgetting pieces of them, which wasn’t too noticeable at first but overtime and especially recently has accumulated into me being utterly lost

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Take my two puny power stones, you deserve them!


I believe a lot of issues would be cleared up if the writing was less vague in general. I've found the recent chapters to be doing a better job of this already, but in previous chapters a lot of the time the reader had to make inferences about crucial story elements just to make cohesive sense about what was actually happening.

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I personally feel as though understanding whats going on isnt too hard, but I may also be an outlier.

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the story's starting to unfold and its good


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


I didn't think things were unnecessarily complex, personally. Though some other person said the knight school was confusing and I gotta give you that, the system was weird. Other than that I got nothing to complain... Not even the very weird perspectives with different voices in his head: guess what? being insane and living 3 lives IS confusing


i think that the peoblem with complezity started a while ago. my favorite part was the begging to where he fought the war monk at the end of the war. by the time he actually got to the school he had been so many diffrent places and seen so many diffrent people that everything was super confusing/hard to track. also the way that the warrior school is set up is just confusing.