
Comments of chapter undefined of The destined encounter


Sempre volto pra ler esse capítulo. Vale muito a pena 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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OMG!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I LOVE LEE'S PARENTS!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Love this chapter tysm Encantadia


Lee's parents are funny and quirky, making bets about their son. I wonder have they ever sat down with him and talked about his behavior and treatment of people or maybe how dating works? Or is this also how they behave so he's mimicking them? Although from the way he's parents are betting and talking it seems they have a good relationship right now. But neither of their sons are good to their spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend. One is abusing physically and emotionally to the point he had to run away before something worse might happen. The other son is a man whore with no respect to the person he is dating and no common sense. For two sons to be screwing up relationships this badly makes me wonder if they didn't have good remodels to learn from? Oh Lee, you are screwing up big time! Dexter wasn't 100% sure of the relationship and heck I'm on the fence now seeing you have double standards. That's not how a good relationship starts, that's how a doomed relationship ends. I think you might have put the final nail in the coffin sort speaking. Oh I love how they are so cute together but Dexter deserves better. Dexter isn't a player and if you keep talking about a future and how you loves him then he should be your end and only. Lee your not ready or mature enough for a relationship. Time out cause I think Dexter might kick your ass, and I might applaud him for doing it!! ALSO YOU DON'T INVITE SOMEONE TO A PARTY AND THEN IGNORE THEM, THAT'S JUST RUDE! AND YOU DON'T LET OTHER PEOPLE PAW AT YOU AND FLIRT WITH YOU RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE PERSON YOUR DATING! COMMON SENSE....DUH!


lee is kinda stupid


Thank you so much I'm glad you liked it. I'll try to finish the second part and hopefully I could post it soon.


Esse é um dos meus capítulos preferidos. Amo os amigos e os pais do Lee.


Lee, u dumbsh*t, u are doomed😂😂

