
Comments of chapter undefined of Humanity Online: World Sanctuary

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My heart can take this much atleast . I thought her sister died and her soul remained in the virtual world and they will some how convince him to participate in the experiment so much for the imagination i guess

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Wow*** are you really the author. I don't know much since i am new to reading novels but i simply love your work. Those emotions,character development and jokes from time to time. It jst took my breath away. I am still young so i didn't understand most of the words so i goggled it time to time šŸ˜šŸ˜ but it was really worth it. Cant wait to see new chapters šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i am really happy i found this series and thank you for your hard work. Fluking shet i can't stop my self from saying it "LEEROY JENKINSSSSS"

Seshata:Love that thought! Thereā€™s definitely still a bit of a mystery surrounding whatā€™s actually going on with his sister, so guess weā€™ll see... šŸ˜‰

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I'm not good at hard feeling, but well seem like some sand get into my eyes.

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Another great chapter. From one sentence to the next, I could go from laughing to feeling my heart ache for the MC, and that's everything you want from a story, so thank you. Take all the time you need between chapters, we're always ready and waiting for more.

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Aaaand weā€™re back

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The chapter is great. But there is one thing that I foun weird some time after reading this chapter. In memories from Xiuying POV she when she saw the drones she said she programmed them so there is a question: when did she program drones ? in Vir-Tech? before she got employed there? There is also one thing that I'm not sure about. This whole vision of utopia world of Zhao Jianyu seems perfect and well-done (I didn't have any doubts when reading and I hope he will stay as cool and good mad lad) but often this type of guy is either evil or crazy about creating this utopia. And if MC's sister programmed drones at Vir-Tech then this becomea even weirder.

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Great and engaging as always, love it, thanks seshata :)

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Oh I hope he causes so much chaos in the game because of this seemingly short sighted decision by Vir-Tech to blackmail him using his sisters life. I want him to break the balance of the game, have them fix it, and then break it again. Until they are begging him to stop. I also hope that after that Terrorist attack Vir-Tech has used some of their tech to create better security for themselves, either through weapons technology or just really great security personnel training.

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Great chapter love dthe conversation with the neighbor and I would have flipped the lady off while saying **** you then sign. Very real chapter and damn. CE work is really boring I used to help assist those papers for some of my friends in CE and man I hated them. And I'm studying aerospace science and engineering and but man those papers are dryer than concrete. Dont let your brain fully melt, we the readers need more :P

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Button say commet fist so I shall. Also is good chapteršŸ‘šŸ¾

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I will do no yelling. You write your chapters at your own pace. It's been hard keeping my mamma bear persona locked down in your discord but my CLAWS ARE READY TO DEFEND YOU [gif of a panda cub falling off of something]

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Like most brothers should do a big f-you to help you sister. I feel the anger but the same time the hope of having your family member getting better

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Oh the feeling of jumping into a trap ill prepared hurts But our npc whisperer should know this is what happens when you have -1000 reputation points with a semi-shady company that might our might not actually be a front of the illuminatie

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Honestly very surprised that Xiuying wasn't part of ver-tech. Like he being one of the few to enter that restricted area with the forcefield as well as her not peeping about what she was actually doing for work or what she was working on until after it was exposed seemed to go along with any NDA that ver-tech could make. Plus she loved video games and programming, and her brother was a gamer. The pieces just seemed to fit I'm together so well in my head.

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Thanks for the chapter~ šŸ±

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I love the real life chapters just as much as the in game chapters, keep up the great work!

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Soooo I'm definitely going to yell at you on discord. Because now that I'm done binge reading this I have nothing to do.

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THIS CHAPTER IS AMAZING! Texting part, The fluxing of his emotions, senses, the deeper mystery of the bombing, the Medical Equipments, and That Dayum woman, and her conniving misdirection and leading, and hanging of his Sister's Health, condition, and Recovery in front of him.


dude I think they are the cause of the attack...and like he has more standing than he thinks... 100% compatability with him and his sister...also, her personal medical information was looked into...isn't that a whole lot of things he can use to put them on the same level? if he disagrees, they have no guinea pig..


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon