
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega


Amazing story!! Author pls where are you? We luv you $ ur story pls come bck 😟😔❤❤❤❤❤


I'm so glad to see this back! I so hope that you are doing well author! Thank you very much for not abandoning this story! It's riveting and I never know what to expect next! I genuinely love to read your work and you have been one of many authors here that have been my inspiration to write and publish a story of my own. Here's hoping you continue to look after yourself and find the inspiration and courage to face each day with fresh ideas.


Omg K.B is finally back, How are you? I hope you are healthy both physically and mentally! For us book fans, your work is the work I've been waiting for as a person, I hope you stay healthy in the future... I pray for the best for you!!! 💐🎉🎉🎉


Hi, KB!!! Missed ya very much!!! I hope you’re doing well and focusing on you and what makes you feel happy!!! I can wait for months for updates as long as I know you’re getting better!!!💜🙏🏾💜🙏🏾💜 Thank you for the update! 😍


It's just great even thought it's been this long there are still readers waiting for new chapter. And K.B welcome againn . Hope u are doing okay <3


Hey K.B.!!! Thankz Bunches for the chapter!!! I pray you are doing well mentally n physically 🙏. I do hope that Will doesn't get forced to doing anything he doesn't want to do. Looking forward to more chapters. 💖🌹🙃🥰🍀🙏


I think I missed something some where or forgot about something I’ll have to go backband re-read. Since when did Jaden‘s parents disown him? I thought it was their idea for him to marry that woman.


KKKKKBBBBB HEYYYY! I hope you're doing well and thank you for this amazing update!


I'm sooooooo glad this story is back. I really enjoy this and hope for many more chapters to come . [img=recommend]


Welcome back KD I hope your doing better and I hope to see more of this story I've been stalking this story like a hawk for updates and I've reread all 172 now 173 chapters and I love I this story so rest up, get well, and I love you and hope the best for you🥰🥰🥰


Hey KB. Glad I still get to read your work. Thank you for sharing with us.


I missednthis omg it's amazing immsomexcited I cannot stop to type properly


OMG!!! So happy to see this updated 🤧 I hope you're doing fine now K.B.💖 I just got back on WN after a long while and I was literally screaming when I saw this updated 😍 Thank you so much for not abandoning this story and your readers🤗 Lots of love to you and this book💖 I'm so excited for what's next, this book has been one of my first favorites here so I'm really looking forward to it 🤩


so so so glad to see more chapters when do you update that guy is a jerk


I am still rooting for Jayden enem with all his faults I have just enjoying reading this story


I’m Soo happy to see this author back!! 👏🏼🙌🏼👏🏼 Can’t wait to see this story evolve.


oooh dear author ....you are back safe and sound ....soooo glad😍😍.... we waited for you so long so how are you.. and thanks for the chapter..


I’m just stopping in to say hi, KB. I hope you’re doing well. Sending good vibes and love your way. 🙏🏾💜


Omg I installed this app a few days ago thinking i wouldnt use it much and will prob uninstall it soon. At least until i read this story!! Your story has kept me up at night, reading until 6-7am in the morning when possible. Thats how immersive and captivating your characters and story are! I’m glad we can be a source of inspiration and encouragement for you so I just wanted to leave a comment to say thank you for sharing your incredible story with us. It can be daunting to put a piece of yourself out there but i hope we can make you feel safe enough to continue doing so! I can’t wait for more and i honestly hope there will be spin offs for our other fav characters in the future heehee 😊


hi KB. To be honest I already forgot about this novel. I added it to my cart from ficool now to webnovel but still no update, even now I have to go back to the first chapter yo really understand this book again. anyways welcome back but alot of people have giving up on this book same with me I was like let me just scroll through my library then I found one notifications. thanks for the chapter. hope we will see more from you from now henceforth