
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega


Welcome back K_B. Hope you continue to be ok.. great to see you’re writing again. My opinion, there’s no hurry for will and asher to bond. I just don’t see them together as a couple other than just for their sexual needs. I would be pitting for jaywill as do the kids, but it’s still up to you in the end. Take care..

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Hi, KB!! Sending virtual hugs to you!! The chapter was just as great as all the past chapters, and I’m sure I’m not alone when I say we’re excited for the wonderful update, but we want more for you to feel and be better, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE focus on you. We won’t go anywhere, and there is NO NEED for apologies to us!!! I hope that you can feel our support for you, not just for your story, but for you as a person aside from the author we have fallen for. 🥰 As for your question, you know I’m a TEAM WISHER supporter all the way!! 💗 I’ll testify through my reply. They should unify and solidify. No longer deny the love that lie between two hearts that beat together on repeat whether during or not during heat. Let them join as one and complete what’s begun. End unfortunate fate before it becomes too late. Join Will to Ash as his TRUE lifetime mate. This is my hope. This is my wish. Served up hot on a gold plated dish!! 🙏🏾

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So very glad you wrote! It's also great therapy! As always, loved this chapter! We're here for you, so don't be afraid to reach out to us if you need friends to lean on. Heck, I'll even give you my private email if you ever want to chat! I don't claim to be a therapist, but as a mother of 3 and grandmother to 8 little rascals, I've developed a great pair of ears and strong shoulders. Now, down to business....I think it's time for them to form their bond. It's what their hearts wanted from the beginning. And the heart knows best.

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yes please!! 🥰 do it before Jayden does something bad

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Welcome back!! I understand mental health is hard so take all the time you need. I really think Will should say yes to Asher cause Asher had helped Will through so much


KB, your writing is still amazing, like always! Without trying to get to heavy, each ending in life creates a beginning you can shape to fit you ... its never easy, but worth it when you find youself again ... find what makes you smile again and the rest gets easier ... (totally sharing from experience 😁) Will & Asher (sp?) deserve their ‘happily ever after’ ... 😍😍😍

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As always your life and health comes first whether it's mental or physical. Take all the time you need. I'll be here waiting patiently. I think it's time for Will to get his happy and loving relationship he's always wanted. I love this book.


I have spent the last few days reading this story (so addicting I forgot to head to bed one of the days) and I absolutely LOVE it! It's well written and the story line is amazing. I think it's great that it (like all other amazing stories I enjoy) has both periods where everything is going good but also periods where things are a bit chaotic ,as it represents the real life with all the good times and all the struggles. I really hope that you're doing better, as I personally can relate to the struggles of an "unstable" mental stability and therefore knows how hard it can be to even do things you enjoy. As for your question I have been in love with the idea of Will and Asher being a couple since the first time we saw them together. The way Asher has supported and helped Will through so much shows exactly how much Will means to him and the fact that Will was thinking about Asher while being with Jayden shows that Asher is just as important to Will as Will is to Asher. I really think that Will should man up and act on his feelings and let Asher mark him, so they can become a family as its also very clear that Asher loves the kids as well.

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I literally was screaming when I saw the chapter to the point,My colleagues were worried for me,have missed so much you have no idea. As for your health,Pls don't rush but remember you have a biggest fan and friends here to make it all right and I know mental health is no joke,look after yourself and finally bring the Asher and Will bond to a beautiful beginning 💯💯💯💯....

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THANK YOU SO MUCH GOR THIS CHAPTER!!! Please take care of your health first :)


yes, they should. because they love each other. asher would never hurt will. and itll keep will safe from jayden.


wish you great health author....will ....will say yes....cos Asher is his love in life....he is the great mate that will be will get...

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It's alright Author, mental health is hard to get through although I only heard hem through others or on social media but anyway Welcome back! The chapter is great (っ´▽`)っ


First of all, take care of your Mental Health first. Nothing in this world is more important than your well being. As fellow sufferer of life long Depression I know how hard it can be to do even the most basic minimal normal everyday tasks, much less somehow trying to find the desire or motivation to do anything beyond that. I know it's hard to find your passion inside yourself when you're suffering mentally. So do some self care and you take care of you. The rest of us understand and support you. 💗 Now, with that said, YES!!!! Will should bond with Asher!! His own heat could be the catalyst that has him reassess what he really wants. Stability, safety, love, companionship, a partner who loves him for him, who respects him always. Asher is that man. He is the man who can not only support Will, buy also love and support Will's kids. Asher is everything a partner, a lover AND a father should be. He's also everything an ALPHA should be. And with the twins being Dominant Alphas, there is no doubt that they need a strong role model in their life on how an Alpha should be. And God knows that role model is not their biological father. Will could realize that he has always loved Asher, that he will always love Asher, and that Asher feels exactly the same way. But the best part about Asher, is that he respects Will's boundaries, and will never do anything against Will's wishes. And THAT is the part that pushes Will over the edge into saying yes to the bond. That the choice is 100% his to make. That he feels no pressure or manipulation from Asher, that he has never had Asher ever try to manipulate or control him. And that that right there, is proof of true love. 💖


i have absolutley fallen in love with this story. This chapter was just as great and well written. I am glad i found this little jewel. please, please take care of yourself! i think i can speak for most of us when i say. we are here until the end and will gladly wait for you to be able to complete this story. you are moretha welcome to reach out to me if you need an ear or anything, i have had my share of detours and bumps and will gladly lend any amount of comfort or other opinions as i can.. i have been a Will, Asher support all through this. and this hits home about what we think is right and what we feel deep down is right. Go Asher and will!


They should bond already, is already long over due. And welcome back author

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Oh my gosh! It's finally here!😍💖 Thank you thank you so much for updating. I hope you were able to work things out with your problems KB. It's great seeing an update. Also, love the chapter. I hope Will will be happ💖💖.

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Great chapter. I'm sending you ❤❤❤❤


Hi!!! Hope your doing okay and had a merry Christmas! I Read this a while back and just wanted to check and see if there’ any new chapters. I hope you didn’t decide to give up the the book, it’s really really good!! Hope life’s treating you well and that you’ll be back with a new chapter soon❤️❤️


Hi KB Hope you are up and fine, missing you 😭😭😭😭 but your health is very important do take care,💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️💜💜


Thank you for the chapter, author. Please take care of yourself! I'm personally hoping they bond but don't know that it necessarily has to be now. On the one hand, Will still seems like he has a lot to work through, while on the other hand, they clearly care about each other. Plus, it could (or rather probably will) be dangerous to meet Jayden without that protection. He's already been through a lot. I'm not really sure what causes the least harm/most happiness to everyone at this point. Looking forward to whatever you decide!