
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega

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Omg JAYDEN give will some Space! Honestly my heart breaks for the both of Them :( i know i know ima dumb biss but ugh I feel bad for jayden too >.< dont come for me lol 😂


I feel for both of them and the kids. Wanting them to be a family again ain’t dumb right..

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Oh wow , a new chapter. yay!! Interesting Will had two sides in this chapter in the space of minute. He admitted that Even though his phenomenones are coming out from asher he cannot lie and confess he still loves Jay , Even when something bad has Happened you cant get rid of your feelings that quickly. But after Jay calles and tried to talk normal but Will haD to put the straw onTo it and tell Jay that his actions produced consequences, things camt go back to the way things were. not without A lot lot lot of time, and if and only if Will chooses too. I lIke Asher i do, and i havent got anything against him. i guess we willhave to wait and see. thanks KB for a great late night chapter. loved It!!! See you next time , love you xxx

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aaahhh! my heart is breaking for Will!!💔 I wish he would let Asher help him. I can't wait to see if soon he will stop pushing him away! 💖. Will and the kids could be happy with him. sigh Can't wait for more!!!! thank you❤ K.B.❤

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I think will and asher should bond they are perfect for each other

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why not form bond with Asher.....will you love him....you both are perfect couple .....don't let jayden playing you....he just egoist Alpha. ..that want everything.....just give your self happiness will...

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not gonna lie. i'm proud of will for still standing up and confessing that he still loves jayden even after what he's done😌. BUT that doesn't mean i'm okay with them coming together as a family again😤. well, not this early. jay may have changed and realized the things he should have chosen from the start now but that is not enough time for them to go and start over😒not for me at least💁🏼‍♀️. and i'm also glad that will didn't rush the decision to bond with ash despite him struggling with his nausea and increase of pheromone every time they talk or even just be around one another. Will really matured this time after they went and lived with zara and everyone😌. i'm very very very proud of him😢🤧. to think that back then he was such an impulsive child and went head first for everything he's decided🤧 such development 😭🤧 Thank you for this update KB❤️ i really feel like a proud parent after reading this chapter. Thank you for making will grow and be so strong.💯

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Whoa! What a ride that chapter was! Love how Willes let Jay know he blew it and it was his fault. Still dont want to see them get back together.....ever!!!! Maybe it is too soon for Will to be marked again, but maybe he should just to keep safe. Dont know what that would do to Jay, but i don't really care. Sorry, he's a dirt bag. Leopards can't change their spots. The kids are top priority, and they love Asher. So does Will. Nicely done!!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!!!

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another great chapter. I want Will to bond with Asher, because Will loves him. I also think that the kids would be alright with the bond between Will and Asher. I can't wait for the next update, but as always life and your health comes first.

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I need more chapters please.

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Thx for the update kb

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When will his suffering end.....

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Thanks for your hard work! I’m on pins and needles waiting for their meeting.

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sometimes,I wonder .... ..is the medication working or not. My Will is suffering so much and all Jayden is doing is adding more pain to it jus mark him Asher,and get dis all over with Thanks for the chapter,my lovely author🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💖💖💖

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Thanks, KB!! Take care of yourself!!! ❤️

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proud of Will

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Mmm,Jay reminds of my Ex, always wanting things his own way and acting like every thing is fine,when it's not,Will heal first ,love yourself more and the else will fall in place..💯💯💯💞💞💙💙💙

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I am proud of Will not bonding. He still needs time to heal from Jay. Even if he chooses to be with Asher, just wait a little while. Jumping from man to another only hurts everyone in the end. He needs to give tume a chance to heal him body, mind and soul. As always, great chapter ❤️K.B❤️ Hope all is well 🥰🥰


This story is amazing but i dont know if Will and Asher should get together yet. Dont get me wrong but i dont think Will is ready


Why cant i vote?


I'm so heartbreaking for Will 😭