
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega


Am i the only one rooting for them to get back together again as a family... at the end of the day to me, what counts is how Will and the kids feel about Jayden.

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Seems like the quiet before the storm.. waiting for next chapter KB ❤️

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i don know why , but m scared 😢

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My heart aches fOr Will its so hard on him and its hard for others to understand when kids are involved

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I can understand why Will feels slightly uncomfortable and he snapped at Hunter... I mean if something like that happened to anyone they wouldn't want to be in a place that would remind them of such places that events happened in. Will is trying to be strong but he has this uncertainty about the situation and he is still not sure what he wants. He wants his kids to have a connection with their father but he doesn't because of the things he did. And the last part scared the living crap out of me...please tell me they are not getting together again! KB awesome chapter! Will stay checking for the next chapter! Take your time and stay safe and healthy!

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Thank you for the chapter! Every new chapter is like a present you didnt expect. I am glad Will shut them doen fast when they were going to start trash talking Jay but i cant believe Cam is that dense. Jay is the kids father. It cant be changed. No point in making them feel bad about themselves because of who their father is. Also it is their decision whether to have a relationship with their father and it shouldnt be influenced by outside opinions. Will is an excellent Mama!!!

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I have to say Will is a bit more jumpy then I would think... I hope it's just a side effect of the meds.. but that makes me worry what he will be like when he DOSE see Jayden. I'm glad the kids are having fun tho! I cant wait to see what happens!! thank you K.B!!

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A*** nothing feels better than being in a familar place. The sound of waves can be really relaxing. Glad Will and the kids have a place to Feel safe before a lot of intensity comes their way. Too right Will , You know That the Kids have a right to see Jay - Their dad of they want too. doesnt mean that they would get back together and someHow if they ever ever did, it is Will choice and his decision alone. Hunter as much as he wants to protect Will , he needs to let Will make his own mind. thanks KB for this surprisingy chapter. it was really nice and great to great to read at this hour. Love you loads, stay well. See you next time xxx


Will's reaction to something that only reminds him of Jayden has got me worried. In no way do I blame him for being afraid, he should be, but it makes me wonder how he's going to react to actually see Jayden. It makes me a little nervous to see what's going to happen. Good luck, Will, stay strong! And thank you, author, for the chapter.

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I'm nervous for the coming chapters. But thank you so much for this ❤️

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Ahh it's been a long time since i comment……my heart cannot take it🥺🥺 i feel really sorry for Will n really hate Jayden😔i don't know…i just want will n the kid to be happy…IF it's means Jayden need to be there for them to be happy then i think i will accept it, but if not then i hope Jay did not see them ever again cause it will only make Will unstable n cannot recover.

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Actually I agree with Hunter, Jayden is really a monster. How he bite Will so atrociously, only a beast can do that. But except that I still feel bad for Jayden, how he is suffering right now for his deeds is heart wrenching....

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I have a feeling something bad is going to happen

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Awe they just dont understand the trauma, stay strong beloved omega

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I’m scared for Will too, but in reality , no one has the right to make decisions for him. So while his friends can and should care about him, they shouldn’t try to force their opinions about his relationship on him. They can tell him how they feel , but not how he should feel. What he needs is their love and support. I really hope he doesn’t go back to Jayden, but ultimately it would be up to him. What he wants. I wouldn’t support their relationship , but i would support Will.

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I'm really nervous about this meeting 😬

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i was thrilled, i thought it'll be like a summer/beach special where they get to enjoy first but no, it was not😟. still, i'm thankful for the update😌🥰 it's much better than not knowing what'll happen next😅also, i'm getting more pumped and worried after reading every chapter about how their meeting will end up. just hope that it ends on a good note and not with jay hurting and pushing his wants on will, AGAIN🙄😑. Thank you for the update KB🥰 please always take care and remember to take some rest every now and then☺️

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Nice to have the gang all there surrounding Wil with a "support wall". Im still nervous about the meeting with Jay...afraid the mtg with Jays family will be a set up and they'll try to take the kids from Wil. Their laws have got to be re-written; kids shouldnt automatically go to the alpha. It should be based on whats best and safest for the kids. Alphas should not always win in court just cuz they're alphas. Sooooo frustrating! Maybe Wil should be the one to change all that? Hint, hint.....


i love will but hate the fact he keeps defending that monster. hes hes the sperm donor but so what?! the children are children. he is letting a rapist near them... he almost killed him who is to say he wont kill them if they "defy" him?! according to him he is the one that gets to decide their life so then what? will you are strong but this is wrong


Will has to be very strong 💪💪