
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega


I'm happy they get to meet again, btt I can't help feeling anxious for the upcoming meetings. So far, every time Will feels slightly better, everything goes to s*it... KB thank you for another chapter ❤️

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the gang is complete😍😍 and i wonder what the surprise might be🤔🤔 i also cant wait when will and jayden get to meet again. cant help but be anxious on how it'll go but still excited 😅 Thank you for this update KB❤️ there is no rush from us so please feel free to update when you feel like updating😊 As always, thank you for this amazing update 🥰 💯💯

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Thank you once again for an amazing chapter! I am happy they all got to reunite. i dont know if i am more nervous about Will and Jayden or Jayden’s parentS finding out they are dominant alphas and try to take the kids!!! I dont trust the Jayden family!

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This chapter touched my heart! Especially when he was reunited with everyone! I felt kind of anxious when everyone was just staring at him while he injected himself... my breath hitched when Hunter sent that glare to Will oh lord... I can already feel the light drama coming soon! I can't help but feel excited but anxious about the upcoming events! I know the kids are excited but I can't help but feel bad about what they are going through especially with their father... Anyway! THANK YOU KB!!!! THIS CHAPTER WAS AMAZING AS ALWAYS! Take your time! We will wait patiently for you no worries!

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aaahhh my heart is so happy having them all together again💜💖 I'm still really nervous about them meeting jays parents tho😒. can't wait for more!!! Love it and you 💜K.B.💜

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My god you really know how to make my day :-D Saw the chapter and my heart just jumped! Great as always and now the tortorous wait for the next one has begun

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A*** Omg everybody is baCk toGether, Renutied , Hunter, sean, cam , asher. Etc wow. thanks KB missed everybody else. So good to hear from them. ooh seems Like hunter wasnt aware of the family meeting with Jayden and THe kiDs perhaps. the kids Want to See their Dad and at the End of the Day lIke What Will understaNds he has to do what is best for the Kids. thanks again KB for a great chapter. xxxxx

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Subtly praying Asher and will ending up together .. ❤️❤️

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i hope he will not forgive jayden he is a selfish monster...asher is vey much inlove with him and patiently waiting❤️

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this was a great chapter. I can't wait for the next update, but as always your health comes first. ❤💙🌹

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Happy dance in my office chair at the reunion!! 💃🏾 Thanks, KB! Just the thought of the meeting with Jayden’s parents, especially the father, has my nerves on edge. 😫 I really hope Hunter and Asher convince Will to go with one of them or with Elijah. 🙏🏾 He shouldn’t go alone with the kids. All the regular fans know my thoughts on the Psycho rapist, and my skin is crawling, so I’ll just leave it at that. Right now, I’m just focusing on Ashley and Archer. The innocence of babes. 😇

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I am so happy! But i feel like this is the amazing happy calm before the storm. I live the writer the characters , you always get all my powerstones lol . joy and love in hard times

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Take your time for the next update❤️

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AHHHHH!!! Oh my heart is SOOOO HAPPY right now!!! Oh I love it! Im so nervous for the big meetings with Jay and his family but so happy Will gets time with the boys again!! 🥰🥰😊 Great way to start the day!! Thank you so much KB I love the chapter as always!


Carnival, amusement park or Faire I am thinking! IDK??? 🤔


aww back together 💞


Great chapter ! It feels so emotional and fulfilling to have everyone back together supporting each other and ready to fight.


Aww so nice to see all of then together again... i hope something good comes out of this trip am just so nerves for tHe reunion with Jayden 🥺