
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega


i hate alex

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One thing to say: i was very upset today, due to a friend of a friend being incredibly upset and I was his only source of therapy, which is nice, but also upsetting about why he was upset. Although, immediately when I saw the notification I quite literally yelled "YES!!!" at the top of my lungs. And now my girlfriend is spamming my dms thinking I'm dead. Love y'all, have a good rest of your day/night!!! ❤️ Lynn is a good girl. Lauryn is giving Will hints, but he ain't taking them, and then Alex got hit in the face. Reminds me of when I slammed a frying pan into my brother's face.

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Ah! I missed you guys! Nice chapter! I hope he isn't pregnant, either, but I don't think they would have started the testing if he was.

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Dang I missed this I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever update but I do get you got things to do I hope the experiment goes well

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The chapters are as awesome as always. You’re the best!

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Oh dear I really hope he isn’t pregnant again- I mean, don’t get me wrong, if he is then that’s amazing.... but Idk if he can handle that right now-

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<3 Miss you!

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Ahhh a new chapter, how wonderfully, so even with those tests Will could be pregnant again?? Ooh I am not sure how that would be. Too right will defend his kids how dare they get talked to in the way, they are innocent and deserve no hate. Will of course is still in love with Jay it takes down to overcome feelings of love, and he loved him so very much, that what’s the hurt ever so much more painful. Thanks for reverting chapter KB. Missed you , love you all , keep safe and healthy xxx

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ahhhh!!! i was at work when i got the notification and i screamed HELL YEAH!!! and got some interesting stares and glares from customers and coworkers😂 I hope he isn’t pregnant don’t get me wrong if he is then i don’t want him to reject the child it’s just... i don’t think he can go through it one more time... I like Lauryn and Lynn and i cackled when i read that Alex got hit in the face and then fell off his chair💀again i received some interesting looks from people at work but it’s ok! This chapter made my day! but that ending... is it foreshadowing that this happiness is jinxed?...

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Hi author, I really like this story so please update soon

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Miss you terrible 😢😥,hope you are safe and sound❤️❤️❤️KB

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Yay!! A new chapter!! I sure hope Will isn't pregnant again, although it did cross my mind a few chapters back as he was making his escape from Psycho J. Thanks for those words of wisdom, Lynn! Will, stop being a noble idiot and take heed to what Lynn said about Asher!! If all your baggage hasn't made him run away from wanting to commit to you, and you love him, DON'T LET HIM GO!! #TeamWisher (Yeah, I'm corny. Deal with it. LOL)

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Oooohhhh this updated couldn't have come at a better time..... Had some pretty bad news from my doctor today....so this made me cry tears of joy when I saw it!!!💜💜 thank you KB🙏😍 MY FAVORITE PART was Alex getting knocked out of his chair🤣🤣 I hope Chase proves them all wrong with his awesomeness!!😀 So cant wait for more..

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I’m so nervous!!!!! I definitely think will is pregnant 😩

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Good job Will stand strong and keep correcting the local Alpha moron Alex hopefully it'll sink into his thick skull, but honestly it's going to need to be an action that knocks him down a peg so he has no choice but it see things from a different perspective be it physical or emotional. I'm betting it would have to be physical since he is so cut off from his emotions. Shame on those school teachers! Chase hold that head up and blow them out of the water! Beat them at their own game! Who you are and what you are capable have nothing to do with your second gender. Hopefully these injections don't come with too many side effects and don't hinder Will. Itd be nice to see him not struggle so much. I know that's an unrealistic idea, nothing happens good without some fight. Otherwise life would be taken for granted and life would become stagnant and boring. I wonder how negotiations are going with Elijah and Jayden? I wonder, how long Jayden will be sentenced to?

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How sweet! ❤️I’m so happy for will but Alex is an asshole and a pain in the ass *hmph* don’t like that dude. And Chase is an amazing person who is intelligent, kind, and beautiful! You show him who’s boss!


I think will is pregnant, thanks for the update

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Thanks for update. It was amazing . I'm happy you'r back 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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❤️K.B.❤️ you picked a good day to release a chapter. Hope all is well. Keep Alex logical. I love him!!! He is the highlight of my day.


Alex needs to keep it down the last time I read this I remember how annoyed am I to him... and now, I'm still more annoyed at him!