
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega


I really hate alex

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Im so glad you updated! I was starting to get worried about what would happen to will, also, are you ok K.B? How are you feeling? We haven't heard from you for almost a week, but glad you updated, really. I can't believe Alex is such a dick (I'm kidding ,I can believe it). I'm wondering if he hurt Lauryn or she's exaggerating to make it seem like it - or she's just being a ***** about how cold-natured he is (he can't help it, trust me from someone who struggles with a cold heart!). Alex will learn to open up, even if he doesn't like the idea of change, I believe in him - Hey! Imagine if him and Will fell in love and Will changed him?!

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Ooooohhhhh I'm so happy this updated!! Thank you!! Can't wait to have more!!💜💜

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Sooo many things could happen here. You know what they say about opposites being attracted to one another. Heh, put your fishies away, it could happen! I kind of like Alex. I mean, he's snarky and doesn't seem to have a filter on that mouth of his, but he's kind of funny. Love, love, love the little Omega! She's got a great personality! KB, here's a question for you, bc I really don't know, but do female Omegas have both female and Male parts like a Male Omega? Bc if that's so, wouldn't THAT be interesting? See where I'm going with this?

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I'm so so so happy you updated I've been missing this story

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Writers slum** happen we are just happy you are still here with us.

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Yeah I missed reading this! Hope all is well, and thanks for the update! Alex is such a socially inept moron, I hope the rest of the group help pick on Alex! April fools day everyday, he needs to learn to laugh and loosen up. HE'S SO UPTIGHT YOU COULD STICK A PIECE OF COAL UP HIS BUTT AND IT'D TURN INTO A DIAMOND! LOL Elijah work your magic and get Jayden to approve of the facetime meeting. I wonder if Elijah is the new heir to the family business, since the dad made it seem like it had to be a son. Would Elijah even take it if offered? Would the sister? She didn't seem to support Jayden and her dad, lol I'd be funny if no one wants it and that's the end of the family name. But if the trouble of a heir does happen, then I'm worried about the twins cause I'm sure Jayden told his dad. Is Elijah doing to go after the dad or not? Yes let's make a multiple time rape victim strip in front of a bunch of strangers he has known for maybe 2 mins. Where the hell is your freakn brain Alex? As if Will hasn't had enough trauma, just keep adding to it! THIS YEAR'S ASSHOLE AWARD GOES TO ALEX! round of applause.....


This has been an amazing story to binge the past two days. I hope that it doesn’t end anytime soon. To be completely honest, I hope Will ends up with Asher. I truly think they deserve each other. I also think that if Will gave Asher a chance to be the kids adoptive dad, I think he would be amazing at it. Thank you for writing such an amazing story.

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I still stand by my priveous statement that Alex and Will together are an interesting combination. He's so blunt it's wonderful. Even if it comes across as rude or cold-hearted, he tells it as he sees it at that point in time. I wonder what happened between him and his omega? Thank you for updating ❤️

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K_B don't if I shud hug or jump on you,am so super happy that updated,I was so worry about you given up on me😭😭😭😭,am so super glad you are back,now someone shud please label Alex an ass ,cos he super socially stupid as Lauryn declare,pleas keep it up

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I'm not gonna lie....I want will to end up with Jayden


To whom it may concern, This may vary from everyone who arr reading this novel, but here is my thought, i hope it doesn't pinch anyone. Pleasee.. let WILL end up with LAYDEN! PLEASEE I beg you! Even after coming this far in the story i still cannot think of WILL ending up with other except LAYDEN! YES I agree that he is a coward and cannot be trusted in any forms but...he is the only one who I believe can make things work out with his FAMILY! Frist of all since he is a dominant alpha, this directly made his character be disliked! And he ended up being WILL's destined partner! Now they have a freaking family together!! FAMILY that accepted all WILL, THEIR CHILDERN, LAYDEN and even CHASE and EMIT!! FOR FUCKS SAKE WHY CANNOT THEY JUST LIVE HAPPILY WITHOUT ALL THE DRAMA!! These last few chapter really made my heart ache so bad for layden. All the other character that WILL calls them their family ended up with such good relationship even though they had the FUCKING AUDACITY to gang up on him and believe some egoistic alpha (who cannot let go of his revenge with his brother whereas the fucking problem he need to solve is with his fucking FATHER!) WHY in the universe cannot LAYDEN get a fucking happy life with the one's who he truly loves! AND if you guys think that LAYDEN is overly obsessed, possessive about WILL then..what else is he supposed to do when their fucking destiny is intertwined with each other?! They BOTH I REPEAT BOTH WILL AND LAYDEN CANNOT FUCKING GET OVER THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER!!! Now as for ASHER, he is a really sweet person, but why cannot he see WILL being actually happy? Cant he just be really mature about it and think of leaving WILL in a positive note?! I seriously think he is very obsessed about WILL to the pkint where hecannot see him happy! Since knowing WILL'S past and all he denies it as pity, but in my eyes he is manipulating WILL. AND I say that because, he cannot get over the fact thay LAYDEN RAPED HIM (for the facts even WILL got over it and accepted his true feelings for him and their childrens). So why cant he accept layden? That same goes for HUNTER! friends for their entire life but tell him to FUCK OFF when he fucking brought him back out of deaths mouth!! He sacrificed and was trying, TRYING to find love between him and LAYDEN, and you rather than trying to know his feelings instead fill up his mind with gutter about LAYDEN!! Have you ever tried to talk with LAYDEN? WAIT let me ask all the other characters!! Have they ever tried to know about LAYDENS feelings for WILL?! THEY ARE TOO ENGAGED WITH WHATS IN FRONT OF THEM WHEREAS THE REAL TRUTH, THE REAL THING THEY ARE MISSING IS THE PART WHERE WILL IS TRYING TO START WITH LAYDEN!

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thanks for the update dear author! I'm glad you didn't drop this novel,,...FIGHTING!!!! don't be discourage with the negative comments instead take it as a motivation to make your craft more interesting...GO! GO!GO!.....😗😗😗😗😗

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Hey! It’s been 8 days- are you ok, author? At this point I’m more concerned about you than the story. I don’t read some of your other stories so idk if they are taking up your time or if you are sick or something- I just wanna make sure youre ok. Well have a good day!

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Sorry I am late KB , just finished this chapter and I’m glad this story is still going and , wow Alex is really something ! Hmm I am curious as to what will happen next Will I wonder how you are feeling now and what you thoughts/ minis is going through. Thanks again author for a this chapter. Keep safe and healthy xxx

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Author please keep updated

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If you need a bit of help with the biological side if your story, I have a master's degree and a lot of free time. ;)

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Thanks for the update dear Author, I was starting to worry that maybe you have ditched us😔



