
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega


I think u write great. there's something to be said u can write a bad character like jayden. bc .I could never! I get sick just thinking about writing super evil characters.

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Wooow! I guess other people just don't know how to appreciate works of art huh🙄 It's ok KB🤗 despite them all haters there are still a lot of us loving you and your work♥️ do what you need to do. We will always be here🥰♥️

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Who dares to give you bad comments ????😡 Anyways, KB thanks again for the chapter ☺️☺️

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It's hard being a creative person bc we do what we love and what makes us intune with ourselves. Not everyone is synced up together, which is what makes us all unique. JB, just take what the "haters" have to say with a grain of salt and don't take it to heart. I have been reading novels for a long time and will very quickly discard a book - sometimes after the first paragraph! I thoroughly enjoy your writing and our little group. Use all positive and negative feedback to your advantage and continue to grow from it all. Some people aren't good at offering constructive criticism, as it is an art. Just remember that you have quite a few people here who love your work and have become your fans! Don't stop or lose faith in yourself just bc of a few people have said some hurtful things. We've got your back always! Now, really liked this chapter. I'm glad Will wants to heal and concentrate on his family. I do hope the testing results in good things as it seems like this destined partner thing is forced on them and their freedom of choice is taken away. NOT GOOD! Still keeping my fish close at hand! Everyone stay well!

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I am sorry if there is anything I have said that has made you feel bad or hurt your feelings. I love this story! I can’t wait to read it everyday, so I hope that you know you are amazing 😉! We all have our options but that is mostly because you have created such an amazing story we are so invested in it. I like the dynamic of Will and Alex! That is awesome! Chin up ❤️K.B.❤️ we love you 🥰🥰

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I hope the expiement works. And I hope he ends up with Ash. But I hope the kids still have a relationship with Jay. As for whomever is trashing your work!! We will all stay behind you and back you with whatever you need....We are you Hunter and Ash!! And will always respect your decision! Trust me!!! You have WAY more people who love your work then the other way around!!❤😘 know we love you for what you are and what you do!!💜💜

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What you dare bully my KB,Dont_ scream where are you will be needing the minivan with the tools in it,😡😡😡😡

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My heart dropped at your author's note! I hope you're okay!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Also TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED KB! We will still be here! 💕 cause im invested in these novels lmao

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Who the hell is leaving KB negative comments?!?! KB don’t let people get to you! You’re an amazing author. I look forward to your novels everyday! You’re really good at what you do. Your novels always have me at the edge of my seat! Keep it up! Don’t let these dummies get to you! You have a lot of faithful people who will keep cheering you on! Woot woot 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️

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I really enjoy your story. It has made me feel all kind of emotions but has kept me on my toes. Your a really good writer. Hope that you feel better. I'll be waiting for all your updates. Take your time. Im here till the end. YOU GOT THIS!!!👍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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I missed a lot coz I'm now back to work. I've been away for a week or so but whenever i get the chance to visit your book for an update, I do. Please don't change KB. Your way of writing is way too exceptional. Its very effective coz if you want to convey happiness , we can feel the mood 'til we drop. If you want to convey heartache, then our hearts are broken to death. If its anger, then we grit our teeth then toss our device. You see, thats what makes you an extraordinary writer. Your readers' comments are valid proof. So please dont change, you dont have to please everyone based on their preference. I maybe inactive now , but im still a #1 fan of Jayden ( regardless 😁😁😁) - die hard. i have this undying faith for him. Keep safe!

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Authors Note remark: Your story hooked in me from the very first chapter and I have never once lost interest. Your writing is fantastic, don’t take no heat from any of the negative remarks you may have had received. KB you are truly gifted. Your others stories deserve attention as well so please continue with your other work I am sure they are just like this. Exceptionally draw dropping from the very first page. Xxxxx FIGHTING XXXX Chapter review. Will will see Jay in person soon to testify I wonder how they will feel when they see each other in person again. Can the bond really be broken ? Guess we will just have to wait and see. thanks author for a great chapter, keep safe and healthy xxxx

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It's great seeing Will slowly going back to the original Will. It'll take time but you can already see those sharp sparks popping ! I feel bad for the twins getting stuck with Wren, who is out of control bossy, no filter, and kinda annoying. The poor twins are going to have it rough if she spills about their dad in jail and Will being mom, or anything that she shouldn't be talking about but doesn't understand cause no one taught her to mind her own business and get some manners. Alex is a freakn stick in the mudd. And you can already see Will isn't going to give in at all. Lol Will keep putting that moron where he belongs!!! Iris do the complete opposite of whatever Alex says cause he knows nothing when it comes to what you should do in a relationship. Stick to your guns and make sure its definitely the right one. Thanks for the great chapter!! I absolutely am a book stalker when it comes to this one. I can't help it I'm addicted to it! Your a great writer, there are more positive responses then negative. Don't let one bad apple ruin a bunch.

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And I will be needing help with Alex,he is testing the waters of my cane🤬🤬😂😂💯💯💃💃

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KB dont listen to fake readers! Listen to us your loyal readers! WE APPRECIATE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE WITH THIS STORY!!! i honestly look forward to reading it every morning and I love where the plot is going so keep up the great work! Maybe Alex is warming up to Will👀wouldn’t that be something😂maybe he acts like an asshole because he is crushing on Will and can’t stand what he had been through with Jay🤣honestly i love Alex I kind of see myself in him a little bit so I can relate

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I love this story and look forward to it every day it's my mommy time I read this story and one other every day it only takes about 15 minutes but keeps me happy which means the kids are happy

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Well I still like how Will and Alex interact 😎 WHAT!? Someone is giving you bad comments? I just want to let you know, that all though I'm suffering with Will, it's because of your amazing writing skills. This story is one heartbreak after the other but it's so good and your characters feels realistic in their choices. They don't make the right choices cuz they're not perfect. Please don't let the negative comments keep you down for a long time, cuz you're amazing and you need to know that. But don't feel pressured to post just because you usually update everyday. Do it in your tempo, for the sake of this story and your health. Most of us are here eagerly awaiting to know how the story of your characters will unfold. I'm in full support of you KB and just wanted to let you know. Some people just don't know how to appreciate good work ❤️

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i still hope will gets back together with asher

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It's really okay author just take your time, okay? No need to rush things. Best things always come but with a great deal of time. So don't rush. We love you and this story, nevertheless the characters, so we love to wait for them. And of course, take good care of yourself↖(^ω^)↗

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Am I the only one praying that the experiment works?... But anywho, anyhow, anygayyy, maybe it'll and he'll be end up with Ash...or...maybe not. Maybe he'll even end up dying... Or... Maybe just maybe something's gonna go down between Will and Alex...who knows?😗😕