
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega



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Ok so, everyone here is saying that he doesn’t know who to love but can we just review a bit? 1. Destined partner-it’s extremely easy to mix emotions and to love them but without the same feeling as true love- can I point out that he KNOWS this. 2. He’s been doing this for his kids. He started this for his kids and now he’s ending it for his kids. I know it may sound immature for what he is doing but consider his past-this is genuinely one of the best ways to get out of this mess and he has people supporting him. I’m not saying I trust the situation, I still think something is SUPER fishy but we’ll just have to wait. I just think it’s unfair to call it totally immature especially if he has a group of people urging him to leave and he is given the means to do so. ANYWAAYYSS however this ends up going I just wanna say- I love this so much!! It’s so good and I can’t wait for the next chapter!!!

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❤️K.B.❤️ You have done it again. You have caused a very lively discussion in the comment section. Now we are all perched on the edge of our 💺 seats waiting for Jayden’s POV!!! Until tomorrow 🥰🥰🥰

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Will, Will, Will I am very disappointed 😔. I have been rooting for you this whole time. You need to take you time in California and figure out your heart. You can’t go around saying you love Jayden and mess up Asher like that. You should have never gone to see Asher. You are using his feelings for you to validate and comfort yourself while sending mixed signals to him. Will you are in a man time out!!!!

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Oh no will!!! That was not the right thing to do! 😩 what if everything is a misunderstanding and here you are getting off with Asher! I really don’t like how he told everyone about Jayden without hearing from Jayden If everything is true or not! So if everything isn’t true and he’s not really marrying the girl what is will going to tell the gang? He’s gonna look dumb. He gave them more reasons to hate him. If I was will my ass would have went to Chicago and started a riot till someone brought me in front of my man!!! I would not stop raising hell till I see him. Tf do I look like staying at home for 3 weeks and not a call from him?! I would have went over there the first week and threw a phone at his head and busted it Open. Everyone is wrong here smh 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Having sex won’t solve your issues. Yall gotta use your mouths for TALKING SMHHHH. I’m probably gonna cry if Will ends up with Asher but whatever makes him happy. I’m still trying to hold out for Jayden but if he doesn’t have the best damned reason in the world for doing the things he’s doing then..💔 Thanks for the update, KB 💖💖💖💖

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My thoughts on this chapter is that Jayden and Asher are Highly alike, in sad and depressing, tense situations they both hurry to have sex, which is actually very wrong if you look at it in a way they're taking advantage of the circumstances they're in to have sex with will, and to pleasure him and themselves. Asher, he is a good person for will, but so is Jayden if you recognise the good in his heart. I believe that neither of them should have will UNTIL we get Jayden's side of the story, this could all be fake (but if I was Will, I'd still leave whether it was or not because playing like that is pure cruel). Anyways, thanks for the chapter author! 🌺

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I pity Will cause he has to make such a hard desicion😱 but at the same time i think he should confronte🤔 Jay at least ask him wether Jay&Jenna alreday married😡(really hope he tell Jay at the airport that he n the kids are leaving Jay😏- if Jay&Jenna is married) n sorry Ash but i don't think u n Will perfect for each other😣😔 I really appreciate ur love n always Will n be there for him..But it just not fit well for me😢

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Honestly, the past few chapters I've been constantly disappointed by the characters. Will is no exception. But I'm too invested to drop this! I'm waiting for the day they all grow up <3 (Plus, I intend to give MVP awards to some people at the end of the book. sml)

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Will went and screwed Asher over again. The reason why I don't like Will and Asher together is because Will keeps taking from him, using him as a sort of validation and lifeline. For me it seems like Will wants Asher because he knows he loves him. Will craving love and validation goes to Asher to be consoled. Will is not in a place mentally or emotionally where he can choose Asher. The last time Will realised he wanted to go for Asher was when he was pushed into a corner because of Jayden. Again, Will is pushed into a corner and again he reaches for Asher. Idk I'm waiting for Jayden's pov, but if he really did plan to screw Will over then I'm hoping Will can learn to love himself and live with his family.

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I'm disappointed in Will honestly. Was kinda hoping he would go to the 'wedding', make sure Jayden saw him, then leave or confront him. This situation is a little fishy though, I don't know whether it's just me hoping that everything works out between the two of them, but everything about it just seems OFF.

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wait I thought he physically couldn't be with anyone. I am confuse now!


I really don't know what to think anymore. I always liked Asher, but I also liked Jayden. After reading everyone's insights, there were some really good points made. Mostly I agree with 2 things: Will needs to at least confront Jay and get his POV. Secondly, he does need to go away, regroup and really explore on who he really loves. We all know his number 1 answer to that would be his children, but for a life partner that is going to take more effort. I don't like how he is once again leaving his friends (again), when they could easily hide the family. Another great chapter! Let's see what the next one brings. Lastly, I know things haven't been going towards what we readers really want. But life isn't a fairy tale...its real and can be hard, but I love how were all staying in there impatiently waiting for the next chapter. That shows our author really knows talent! Best book club ever!

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Well at least he didn't have intercourse with Asher. Yeah I know it's a thin line/loophole and it's still cheating. But as Will feels his destined partner Jayden has been lying to him for the past 3 yrs and made his choice to abandon him and his kids. To him jayden ended the relationship. When he disappeared for over 3 weeks and never called him or the kids, when someone does that and you don't even know where they are, you get the hint that its over. Then confirming it with Cora's phone and getting a hold of the Alpha fiance. Just because your a destined pair doesn't mean its magically going to work. It's just like all relationships it takes work, give and take, mutual trust, mutual respect, mutual love, willingness to fight for the relationship, etc and Jayden and Will aren't there. And now that we heard that Hunter and Elijah have been researching ways to help with the bonded pair and finding a dr in California, I guess we can now figure out who the friend is in California that Will is going to meet. I think getting rid of the destined mate bond can be a good thing. Because it becomes a conscious choice who Will becomes a mate with, there won't be the mate pull or sickness. It would clear Jaydens mind and Will's mind so they can see if they really do live each other or if it was just the mate pull they were feeling. And if it was the bond then can choice to part or try again, it Will could move on and find someone that will really live him and his children without the mate pull. But I really wish someone was going with him to make sure this isn't an Elijah cruel trap, or that the dr isn't going to use and hurt Will as an experiment tool for research purposes. Time to pack and go, I hope it goes with a hitch. I think the kids will be upset for a little while. But the twins are strong, adaptable, and they know right from wrong, and they love their mom. Jayden is a new person in their family and he has been in and out of their lives. So his impression isn't as big as Will and Chase who have and still are always there to take care of them and love them.

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Oh no Will what you doing?? Yearning for Jay but taking it out with Ash isn’t going to solve anything. You love Jay and you should really find him and talk to him before you run away I’m sure there is a master plan at work. The has to be. Thanks author. Cool chapter with a bit of heat at the end. Keep safe and healthy xx

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Just sharing: I really love this song cause it tells just how can a person truly loves his significant other. I hope for Will to finally make up his mind and his heart. He needs to mean what he says whenever he says he loves someone. It hasn't been a week when he claimed that he loves Jayden and yet now he's sucking faces with Asher.... That's foul blow. 🎵Then I told myself I'll lways stay the same Even if you hurt me, I will take the blame You are all I'm livin' for I would love you even more I would keep the pain inside my door It's enough for me that I have come to love you, I see Because the heart I have could only want you I just want you to remember Even if it takes forever I would wait until the world is through When all that's left is Only me and you Then I told myself I'll lways stay the same Even if you hurt me, I will take the blame You are all I'm livin' for I would love you even more I would keep the pain inside my door It's enough for me that I have come to love you, I see Because the heart I have could only want you I just want you to remember Even if it takes forever I would wait until the world is through When all that's left is Only me and you🎵

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thanks for the chapter

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I see people saying Will and Ash shouldn't have had there little "moment" BUT I see it as it shows how much Ash held back too....ya gotta remember he has still been wanting to be with Will for over 7 years now and just had him there in front of him telling him he is leaving Jay!!! I'm suprised he didn't jump him!! Lol😅 but Will has loved Ash this whole time and thought there was no way for them to be together because of the destined partner thing. So he wanted him to move on to try to be happy....but Ash never did. REMEMBER when will gave the ring back to Connor?. Ash followed them saw them argue and said "there ya go again. Making me fall in love with you even more without even knowing" it just goes to show he truly dose love him. And yes I am with everyone else on wanting to know Jaydens POV . ugh


I really hope the bond with Jayden can be severed

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To quote Queen: "Too much love will kill you If you can't make up your mind. Torn between the lover and the love you leave behind. You're headed for disaster 'cos you never read the signs. Too much love will kill you every time"

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I love will and I've always been team Asher since the bringing tbh I skimmed most chapters just to find if they would be together😭 but then I reread them. I love Asher and Will together!!! F*ck Jayden he can suck my d*ck😂 What would will and Asher's name be?? I love them! I love this story so much. All of y'all over here like I hate it. Then leave if you don't like it!