
Comments of chapter undefined of Hidden Omega

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I really want to say Jayden, but damn I am not sure if he worthy of our baby Will. He just making me so sad right now. I'm going to cont. with team Jayden, tho I want punch him to death. >.> But my is telling me not give up on him just yet. Tho he doing **** wrong and needs to learn to fcking communicate.


well he did rape will. that's how the first bb came an then he did it again they're toxic. I wish they weren't tho. but yeahhhh

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ASHER YOU BEAT BE MOVING WITH WILL!! PLEASE GO WITH MY BABY😭😭I love you Asher and Will from day 1. Ship 100000000% I hope Jayden rots in hell bc he's never going to see his babies again. Go to court Will and get full custody!!

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With all the things that had happened to will. I would rather he be alone. Not alone alone but with his little family and all that. Just no more romance if he is ever to experience pain again. This is an amazing update KB♥️ you never cease to tug into our little hearts🤧

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I really wish Will could be with Jayden. I hope Jayden has some hidden motives to change the situation. I can’t just conclude that he’s not worth to be with Will..only knowing one sided story...

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I honestly still want Jayden to be a good guy. It is kinda like, people are all negative and grumpy and you don’t want to watch the news because it just makes you more depressed. Then there is this one person that does a small act of kindness and it reminds you not all people are bad. There is still good in the world. It like renews your hope and faith in people. That is what Jayden would be if he stood up for Will and married Will and kept his promises. He would prove not all elite alphas are bad. There are still good ones out that don’t try to use and manipulate omegas like they aren’t real people.

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Asher pls They are better together

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Will to Jayden - Grenade by Bruno Mars Jayden to Will - Stay With Me by Sam Smith Will to Jayden - Stronger by Kelly Clarkson (Or any other songs)

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Hunter, I swear on my pepperoni pizza, go after Jayden. And, I won't lie author, but I think will should be with Jayden! We need to have this where it's all a setup or where Jayden calls off the wedding, or confessed his love for will at the altar! But Please K.B, go with whomever you want him to be with! 💕

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I really want will and jayden will end up together..

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I still want Will to end up with Jayden even after all that happened. Guys let us just keep the faith. JayWill forever!

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At this point I dont even know how he will end up. I mean like I'm angry at Jayden and at Asher. Will could totally go solo. At this point I might even accept another character.

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Will and Jay!!! All the way !!! Even though right now Jay is being a d*** I believe that there is real love and Will knows he has found his soul mate and the love of his life and that’s what he is so scared of. I’m glad hunter and Will have made up. They deserved a reunion. Ooh the ending of that chapter leads up to all sorts I bet. Thanks again author . Keep safe and healthy xxx

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Omg this chapter made me cry so hard 😭😩 KB you’re killing me with these chapters! My heart can’t take it anymore! My vote will always be Jaydens x will x Asher! I want both the men to be with Will! Lol honestly even if none of us wanted will to be with Jayden... who else can he physically be with? No one. Will will never have sex or physical contact with anyone ever again. Plus we should see Jaydens POV before we make any crazy decisions!!! I’m hoping that something crazy happen like his dad put him in a dungeon 🤣 BUT JAYDEN WILL AND ASHER SHOULD BE TOGETHER lol it’s the right thing to do! 😂🤣 lets make it happen! Maybe even a dream would do LOL Oh and if will end up alone please make Jayden suffer. It’s only right that if will is alone then so is Jayden! I want loneliness to eat him alive! And will thriving while being alone! Or maybe will can find a sexy super super super rich older man who doesn’t need physical contact to be with! And he loves will and the kids. Well I just want Will to be with the best of the best 🤣 he deserves love and happiness

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And if they do end up together, they really need to learn to communicate better

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Obviously Jayden like everyone else but ONLY if Jayden has a good reason for all his b.s. If he doesn’t have a good reason then I don’t even know smh

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I'm honestly still hanging in there for Jayden. He has the potential to be a really be THE ONE for Will in terms of temperament and personality. Sure they have some issues to work out, but if Jay have some kind of plan and really stands up for Will, it shows an enormous growth and could be a turning point in the Elite society of alphas. I'm still hoping he was destined with Jay because he truly is the one he could find true happiness with. If you don't want that KB, then I want him to end up alone with his family

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Unless Jayden completely changes I would say Asher or no one.

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Ok this chapter broke my heart😭He finally made up with Hunter❤️He kept his promise to say goodbye before leaving again... ah my heart!❤️Now comes the hard part... Asher... I wonder if he will let Will leave or if he would follow him... or if he would stand up against Jayden when he returned... hmmm.... Anyway... I still think Jay is good for Will... yeah he’s been a pack of doodoo so far but if he has a plan then he needs to step up his game before he loses everything... Jay was trying to get their relationship to be better and was trying to change himself so he can make Will happy... but if it’s not Jay then I would prefer Will to be solo and just enjoy his kids as much as possible.... My heart is going to break when he tells the kids tomorrow😭😭I wonder what they will say... I wonder how they will react... I wonder if they will believe Will... and will they grow to hate Jay?... ahh the curiosity is killing me!!!! but gotta wait one more day to find out😭 KB awesome chapter! Thank you! As always I look forward to waking up reading your latest update first thing in the morning (I wake up rather late)

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Asher. He's been my pick from the moment he was introduced. He's a million times better an alpha and man than Jayden could ever hope to be. He treated Will right and he honestly loves Will. I hated that Will ever got with Jayden and am still wishing death upon Jayden.

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He kept his word and at least said goodbye before running this time. It took a lot of strength to do that! I'm proud of Emit and Chase for following Will and supporting him. It was good that Will found a safe house for them if they chose to stay. Now will be the second hardest person for Will to say goodbye to unless Will offers for Asher to follow him. But I don't think it be health for both of them. With Will being bonded to Hayden he can never really have a complete relationship with another person. The bond really screws over the omegas where it doesn't do much damage to the Alphas. If it effected Jayden I don't think his soon to be wife would be with him. So many sad heartbreaking chapters in a row. I hope things start to cheer up after they escape this 3yr planned trap that Jayden started. Sick bastard wouldn't it be ironic if his business starts to fail after he married this Alpha gold digging ***** (remember she told Will to make sure the gift was the best cause that's all she accepts). Leave your fated mate to better your image I hope you get swallowed up in **** that destroys your life like you destroyed Will's.