
Comments of chapter undefined of Hazel in the Demon's Den

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Omg, omg, what an interesting story. To make it to end has tears in my eyes, they have come so far and have gone through so much. I love this story so much, it has become one of my favorites.

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What an amazing story! I can't believe it is over 😭 I want to know more about their lives and future in the UK and about Eva and her struggles. I want to know if the kids would ever want to go to the U.S. and how Hazel and Will would handle that. Beautifully written, with great depth of characters. Just incredible.

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Congratulations author for this beautiful piece of work! I didn't want it to end ever and I'm going to have to reread to fill the void. One of my favourite stories in all sincerity. You've got a unique Nd very interesting writing style. A twisted little boy desperate for love went all the way to make his sunshine happy and the ackward little helpless girl with lots of love to give made it possible by never giving up on him.

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I come here again coz i miss will 😭

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Great plot with lots of intricate details. The one and only thing I wish for is that Hazel would have (eventually) told Will that she was NEVER considering leaving him. Will was under the impression that she only stayed because she was pregnant and wanted to give the child a normal life. He thought that she might leave him if he didn’t do things right or if their children turned out wrong. Don’t get me wrong; I understand why she was tough on him after his lies were exposed, and she needed leverage at the time because she was unsure if she could trust him. But after years went by and he stayed clean and bonded with their children, I wish she had told him, “By the way, I was never ever thinking of leaving you when I learned the truth.” I wish she had told him that because up until the last 2-3 chapters, he was always insecure about her possibly leaving- always insecure about her love for him vs. her desire to have a “normal” family and raise “normal” kids. I guess I just wish she had been as honest with him as she demanded he be with her so that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she depended on him as much as he depended on her- that he was her everything.

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Can’t believe it really ended now, i wish u would write a story about henry😅 anyway, thanks for this beautiful story.. i will miss their story.


This book was so good, I can’t believe it’s over 😭😭

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Truly one of the best I’ve ever read! Thank you so much!!!

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I loved this book. Thank you so much for the great read.

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I would love to know what writers and books you like to read... Do you read similar to what you write?? Because I enjoy your work so much, I have been on the search for similar types of books on Kindle but I'm not having much luck. I would love some recommendations from you!

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Loved it!! Even though I had a feeling how the rest of the book was going to go by the time Will had started making plans for them to move to London, it was still worth reading every word! ❤ I never liked Eva... I can't stand people who make assumptions about how people should feel or live when they could never possibly understand. She should have just been happy for her friend in the end.

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Loved it!!

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I really loved this book Thank you for allowing us in your imagination and this journey


I just realized that Hazel never told Will that he was the reason she found her voice. He remembered that he thought he heard someone “howling” his name when he escaped through the woods, but he never confirmed it was her, and she never told him.

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I'm so glad they all got their happily ever after!!! even though they had been through so much horrible trauma they really did make it through everything! I just wish Eva could have been more supportive and known Will would never hurt her. now I must put reading on hold for a while 😞. this will give time for the chapters to start stacking up again while I finish this blanket! but I will miss my daily dose of your stories!!!

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This was a bEautiful piece of work

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Such an amazing story! And as sad as I was for it to end, I'm just as excited to read more of your stories! I'm sure I'll feel and experience every emotion possible while reading them too, as I did with this one! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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Wow. Just wow. You are an amazing author. I would seriously purchase your novels IF they had print copies. (I would love my bff to read them but she is pro-paper books, much like Will.


Author, I must say you surprise me everytime i read another book of yours, absolutely loved this. This ending is great and love how Will learned to love and live “normally” With his family. congrats on another book well done.


i could actually use further life of henry as you did it in run girl if you can 😁