
Comments of chapter undefined of Equation Zero Battle/Line

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A masterpiece beyond all respects

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Also I like how they handled the Bestia Macht. As someone who used to be in the military it was cool seeing the Ace guys act. They locked down the monster keeping it trapped in the factory after they evacuated as many workers as they could, they kept it stuck for as long as possible until the assault team could arrive and they also sent out people to look for a hole in the wall. I mean we know there isn't a hole but that was cool to see since it shows them being smart.

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first. I like this start way, way, way better than Volume One's start, and Volumes Two start. Also I like Bright as a character. On one hand he's in the wrong of course, but you can understand why he's doing it at least. Also does this mean we're going to get elemental Bestia Macht now? Viper had that acid spit which is kind of like water so do Seraphin's all have different elements, and since Bright is making Seraphins these human Bestia Macht have elements? I wonder if we could get like a wind, or water one?

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Wait a min dies this have something to do with the dream Crest the Row said whatever you wish to dream becomes a reality so that means while hero was dreaming the Crest activated so that means he has to be careful to dream cus there might be a chance it activates😮😮

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It's 5A.M here and I was not expecting a surprised chapter drop.