
Comments of chapter undefined of The Days When I’m With You


volume 1 and 2 are both explosive hope volume will be as explosive if not more.

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We finished 2 volumes already??!!! 👀😱 Wow! Didn't realise! 🥺 We're gonna know all about Jin's past now.. so excited 🤩 and nervous as well.. 😩 I get a feeling that this next volume will be utter chaos! 🥺 But I'm way too excited 😍🤩💃😌❤️ I was just wondering how much I missed face slapping the b*tches 😂 why not fulfill our sincere wishes in the next volume author?! 😏😏😉😌 Thank u so much for writing this beautiful story dearest author Kiiara!! ❤️ Waiting for more! ❤️

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Can't wait for more as always 🥺 want some moments with hiroto and Jin in the mix ^^ And of course jins past is not to be missed... Guess it'll get quite chaotic if you throw that into the current situation. Sounds dangerous so I hope everyone stays safe @kiiara how've you been lately? How's your health? Take care


yes dear Kiiara, waiting for the next volume for sure


Heya author san ←(>▽<)ノsuch a long time but really it was worth while cause I kinda got mass release for myself (人*´∀`)。*゚+ it's really really one hell of a novel woohh maybe it is the first one where we have rollercoaster rides of emotions, congratulations on completion of arc and best of luck for the new one\(^o^)/ Love you (♡ω♡ ) ~♪