
Comments of chapter undefined of The Days When I’m With You


AHHH!! You better get it right Iris! Shoot him in the face pls 🙃


that was so close, so another faction of Girl power!💪💪💪 go, go, go girl. pls burn them!😡😡😡


I was shouting aiyayo , aiyayo again and again and I don't know how to say it in English! God!!!! Fu .....fu** !!!!


Hmm... Somehow I assumed li fei does already know about hiroto being related to the mafia but at the other hand even I'm surprised at why I would think that... Obviously she didn't know. But at least hiroto has no reason to separate her from Jin when she is already close to him (yes more enemies but also more protection and through hiroto she's already involved in this world and its not solely due to Jin). And I mean we already knew Jin is involved in darker business. And wow wow wow this chapter... Can't wait for more but I don't think it's that easy and I'm nearly 100 percent sure that fu guy isn't in the car personally. (was his first name ever mentioned? I always say fu guy because I think Mr fu would be too sophisticated for such an animal) After this chapter I feel like a car crashed into me and pushed me over a cliff... Where's the next chapter to save me kiiara? Tell me?!