
Comments of chapter undefined of The Days When I’m With You

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just one chapter?? seriously??.. kii you're so bad.. 😫😫😫☹☹


hiiks.. it's okay.. i just hope you can give us more chapters someday..

Kiiara:Gomen ne 🥺🥺

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Why author.....why? Just why did you have to make us cry ?! I really thought he was gonna leave her . All alone ! But I'm glad he realised before it's not too late !💓💓💓

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Dang! I have prepped myself well. I thought I could take it. I was alreadyy anticipating the sadness and a painful chapter. But, Kiiara, you still successfully brought tears to my eyes. But, I forgive u this time because it's so beautiful. I love it. Every single line and oh...the song. Lol...u actually create a song 😂😂 And aaaahhh.....my wish was answered too. They recognized each other in such a touching and lovely way. You never cease to amaze me author! 💕💕💕💖💖💖

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My heart stopped when Hiroto turned his back on her but it started beating fast when she started singing. Even though I didn't the lines were hard to understand ( even after watching a lot of animes) I still read the through, because the Japanese pronunciation sound cute in my head lol? I love the title of the chapter....and I love the song ki... You are very talented, my dear hubby ❤️

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Ok Kiiara, 1 question.. HOW??? How do u manage to make someone feel just the right emotions by writing a few words?! How do u do this?? 🤯 I knew it all along it was going to be sad.. but after reading.. I don't have any words now.. I'm feeling so sad for Hiroto.. Hiroto's POV was I think the saddest one amongst all of them till now.. I mean, to have a fear of losing someone just bcoz u love them so dearly?! So that means u can't even love someone dearly just bcoz u might lose them 1 day and the reason of losing them would be no one else but u?!!! It's so sad to have experienced that again and again.. 😭💔 I'm so happy for Airi and Hiroto 🥺🥺😭😭 They both now have each other like they always used to have.. 😭😭❤️ Also, the song!!!!! What a beautiful Song dear author.. You are so talented 😎🥺❤️ Thanks for the updates dear author ❤️💕

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fate has brought them together...there are still unfinished business that they have to go thru...

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Darn, i just like the song dear K. sob, sob, sob.😭 Also im happy now that Hiroto have Airii. 🥰🥰😀😀 at least they have each other now to face those scumbag. Please update more.😊😊😊😊

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Dang! My eyes are so puffy from crying.

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Congratulations today you were on the from page of my book recommendations ^^

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See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop

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Ngl you had me in the first half 😅 My heart was about to be BROKEN broken but she managed to make a comeback at the end 😌 thank god. She needed someone who would be on her side throughout everything and now she has Hiroto


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon