
Comments of chapter undefined of [Indefinite Hiatus] Itachi Rebirth: A Shinigami Tale


I Cant imagine itachi being lovey dovey


My vote goes to Harribel for the following reasons: - she's really attractive and deserves more screen time - Itachi and her have already teamed up once in the previous arc - they also fought each other, so they have that whole "enemies turned lovers" trope going for them - Itachi saved her from Aizen - fire (Itachi) and water (Harribel) - pre-built harem for Itachi considering her Fracción (unless you're against harems, in which case, please discard this point) - most important point so far, her personality and ideology look like a good match to Itachi's. Here's a quote from the wiki: Harribel is calm, taciturn, level-headed, and analytical, preferring to not engage in combat: she is content with silently observing both parties until the fighting reaches its conclusion.[8] She strongly opposes the notion of killing others, especially if done to gain power,[9] but when she is betrayed by Sōsuke Aizen, Harribel angrily attacks him, proving she can be quite aggressive and brutal when crossed.[10] Harribel cares for her Fracción, being noticeably upset when she senses their presences fading, and angrily assaults Tōshirō Hitsugaya seconds after their defeat at the hands of Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.[11] TL;DR version: Harribel is a fantastic pairing for Itachi due to her complementary power-set, matching personality and a great set of personalititties. 😅


Yoruichi...tbh cant really imagine itachi with anyone really




Tier haribel or yoruichi or both. Both of them are really suited for itachi with obvious reason. With yoruichi she is similar to shinobi where he can connect with her and she is playful which can make itachi more relaxed meanwhile tier personality are similar with itachi and the sort of complement each other. The other girls in bleach are just not suited for itachi except unohana and rangiku .


Rangiku she needs a man that is as strong and loyal as Itachi




Isane Kotetsu she would be good cause she basically gets no love in the anime plus her personality is cute plus it adorable how she’s so self conscious about her height


Retsu Unohana


Tier Harribel


Hmm.... What about bringing izumi? Cuz she is dead before him... And maybe not the only one who crossed the line of worlds into bleach world.


What about Tier Hannibal?


I vote for Tier Harribel because 1. She suits Itachi personality and can Be passionate and care about people, something the two of them share 2. Her future relation with the Uchiha could give you interesting plots to explore, such as the polemics of a shinigami-hollow relation ship that can make a path to a future of no racism between them, you could also make her help with Itachi comprehension of himself that in My opinión he needs to overcome his past grudges and horror 3. This Is for you , author-san, to consider but you could use this situation between them to expand itachis presence in the novel and not make him a side character or less than others that its something people complains about.


I say that Isane Kotetsu aside from being cute I see that she is easy to match with itachi for example an itachi on the verge of death or seriously erred can be saved by isane making a love affair


Isane or Rangiku


Him and Rukia. Or you can create your own character using an extra character


I say that Isane Kotetsu aside from being cute I see that she is easy to match with itachi for example an itachi on the verge of death or seriously erred can be saved by isane making a love affair


Every character is good but can't you create a new one... I would like new char from Hell chapter. Let's say that you will create female hell overlord.


this is my reason why Isane Kotetsu has to be the partner of itachi is a responsible woman, kind, she is always honest and I also feel that isane could reach the heart of itachi


Senna from bleach memories of nobody. She is quite similar to itachi as both had sacrificed themselves for the world. And she is not part of the main cast and can easily be paired up with itachi without any disturbances to other characters


First of, don't put rangiku in there coz, for all the fcking fanfic I have read, it was her name that I was always seeing when it comes on the waifu candids. 2nd, harabel or any espada or human hollow or whatever they are called, don't, they are too edgy to be paired up with Itachi and, just don't. It will only make the story more complicated that it is, and again, just don't. Third, on the human sides, I don't know but I'm much more fond on the soul society side coz, you know. Fourth, choose a type of waifu that is more cute, guilable, happy, and more lively cause Itachi was raised in a place were war was all over the place, he grows up in that kind of **** were killing is done like buying a pizza whenever you want. so you need someone that is more opposite than him, someone who can make him realized to enjoy life, cause you know, Itachi's life is depressing man. That's all and I'm still voted for IZANE cause, like I said, why not?