
Comments of chapter undefined of If I'm Male, I Can Avoid a Yandere, Right?

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I saw the update and I freaked out! I’ve been waiting since finals ended on Friday, thinking “any day now”. I’m a bit sad that you’re going to start wrapping this story up— it definitely has the potential to go further! Since you said that you never really had a clear outline for it, I completely understand though. Better a brilliant story on the shorter end than a drawn out declining one! **: Can you drop the discord link?


Just wanted to let you all know that I’m looking to wrap this novel up! The long awaited sports festival will be the climax. Well, that’s what I decided, like, a day or two ago. I mean, it was something I thought about for a while now, but just decided why the heck not. I think it’s fitting. In the beginning, which was almost a year ago now (omg, it’s almost my one year anniversary as an author on here and for this book), I planned for this to be about 20-ish chapters. XD I had another novel I wanted to work on, after all. Then, after things picked up, I wanted the story to go on for a year like the game originally did, but now, we have to settle on a middle. Lol. Funny how things happen. Next novel will definitely not be something I write off the cuff like this one was. I’ll tell you now, I never wrote more than 2 buffer chapters. I never had a clear outline for this novel. Everything was written on the fly, really. Yet, look where it ended up. Contracted, almost reaching a million views, and 2k+ collections and many lovely (and some not so lovely) readers. Of course, there were many mistakes and plot holes along the way, which is to be expected with such an unplanned, and sometimes thoughtlessly written, story. It’s miracle this got this far being as unplanned and rough as it is, lol. I should stop here. We’re not done yet. XD I’ll save the rest for later, lololol. Anyway! I wanted to segway into this next announcement but took too long. XD On my discord server, I’ll be dropping information about my next possible novel. I have a few ideas I want to write, and I thought why not hear what you guys have to say about them. I’ll be dropping bare summaries, planned characters, what I hope for the series, and whatever else. Some already have drafts, so I’ll probably post the first chapter I currently have for some. If you’re interested in my next project, and other possible future projects, please drop in! I know my discord ain’t anything amazing, but I’d love to hear your thoughts! This next book is something I want to publish for the next Spirity Awards contest! (Supposedly in spring, so I should really get to working on it soon!) Thanks for reading this unnecessarily long comment. If you made this far, you’re a real maso—I mean, really dedicated. Ahem. Yeah. XD Thank you! <3

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I'm quite sad that this amazing story will be coming to an end soon but I also can't wait to witness the climax and how Haru will end up!

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So the novel is going to end soon, huh. Well then, I guess I'll try to speed mine up. The fanfic might take a while though, since it's only 1500-2000 words per chapter. ... I should write more.

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welcome back author, I missed you!

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So is it a bad end with Yuu/Tatsuya/Ryuu? A good end with one ( or all ) of the capture target? Or a top ten anime betrayals by Akira who is in fact the ‘last boss’? Or do we get crazy serial killer versus Haru and her hubby(s)?

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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I’m a new reader author-chan and I loveeeee this book! I used all my free passes just to be here and I love it! I actually wrote a book that was inspired by this book would it be alright if I mentioned you in my book? It has the transmigration plot and the yandare idea to it but otherwise it’s very different but I loved your book so much that it inspired me! I hope you know how much people appreciate your work! 🥰🥰🥰

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*sobs* I just don't wanna see MC die or be tortured, even if she's locked away in captivity for a while it's much better! Esp since all capture targets are quite serious about liking her (I don't consider Yuu one of them anymore, he can die as the villain yep)

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I think it will be a good end with Ryuu. He can protect her and save her from whatever the other guys try to do, and treat her well except maybe be a bit too possessive. For example, if Tatsuya kidnaps and locks the two of them away, he can keep MC while not worrying about her happiness since Ryuu is there to look after her. or Akira.

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Plot twist: Ando-sensei, the Heart Reaper, kidnaps and traps MC with him because he likes her. He ends up killing Yuu, who wants to kill MC, but is found out by Akira the investigator lolz and gets sent away. Because of that, Akira sticks to MC who is half broken and Tatsuya ends up kidnapping the both of them together, until he sees Ryuu fighting his bodyguards and lets him stay with MC and Akira LMFAO

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I don't want MC to die It would be awesome if she gets all four- actually, make that three (Yuu is too scary) guys tho, haha Like, maybe Tatsuya kidnaps her but then Akira finds her and they stay trapped in Tatsuya's house but Tatsuya seems to have an indifferent attitude towards Ryuu and locks Ryuu up with them because MC is selfish or something lmfao

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mOaR 🔥✨


Shipping HaruAki lolz, but still need hot scenes with R and T


idn why but I love your choice of wording 😝😊


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon