
Comments of chapter undefined of If I'm Male, I Can Avoid a Yandere, Right?


Ahhh I’m finally back to read but I already ran out of fast passes ;-; Haru life seems exhausting, I wonder if Ando-sensei really is the killer. the comment of him exercising a bit made me think of it more.

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I think the most interesting thing in this story is how each of the main characters is defined by a love in different ways(though I suppose that’s normal for a yandere story): Ryuu has a distorted and violent perspective on love and social interactions imprinted so deep in his mind that it’s more probable that he’ll learn to hide it than that he’ll change it, Tatsuya craves the love and attention that he didn’t receive as a child, Yuu is motivated by his love for “cute things”, Haru is desperate for love and is willing to endure the unthinkable to not be hated by other people(even those she knows are dangerous), Akira seems to believe love is about knowing everything there is to know about something. Ando seems to be the serial killer/hidden character, so I wonder what kind of love defines him, he seems to care a lot about the definition of strength and marking things(the numbers on his victims and the golden star stickers)

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this was such a cute chapter... like the calm before the storm?

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Why do Ando sensei creeps me out??🤔🤔Is it because hes too good to be true?? By the way, I wonder whats Tatsuya's doing🤔🤔🤔 Is Yuu kun already found out about Shuu, I wonder whats hes gonna do?🤔🤔🤔 Also, why is the three of them missing?!??! It screams SUSPICIOUS and FISHY that its actually scary...like the calm before the storm


Uh, early readers, do tell me if there’s no author’s thoughts. That’ll tell me if i need to wait longer before posting a new privilege chapter and thus releasing a regular chapter. Many thanks~ (I really hope the edited chapter came out tho :x)

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I have a strange feeling that the secret character has a likely chance of being Ando sensei, just my suspicions

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This chapter had me laughing the whole time with how cute yet foreboding it was 😂

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Now I am confused !! Author-sama, congrats!!! You made me doubt my own choice lol Question: Who is the hidden character? A. Akira B. Ando Me: 🥴


If I wasn't sure before, I definitely am now. I bet Ando-sensei is the Heart Reaper, and the hidden character. I bet Akira is also a hidden character. 2 hidden characters~


Nope nope nope. Run from Sensei


Sensei has the yandere vibe and Akira has it also. It could be that one of them is „only“ a psycho, cause there were too many hints that Akira isn‘t normal (I still want her to be more cautious around him, even if there wasn’t many signs around her) and Sensei clearly hits the serial killer signs. Maybe it’s only me wish that Akira‘s a yandere and has inapropriate characteristigs to be her boyfriend (they all yanderes, but I want him to be the most inappropriate and just as a friend for Haru).


Is it just me but I felt like she need to be careful of sensei 🤨


Yeah, Shuu is really unfortunate, and is about to become even moreso. Yuu wont show any mercy and that’s just what he deserves to be honest. I’m looking forward to the next chapter!


yes in pieces pls 😈


The last lines gets me laughing. Poor Shu...