
Comments of chapter undefined of Trust and Believe in Love


Hey captain caii... Long time no see eh? Well i am rereading the novel and am done with vol 1. (and i am still up for a printed book) So this my first ever novel and i wanted this to be the last one too.. I plan to give upreading nivels (more like pause) as i wanna focus on my career now. So plz take me into consideration and UPDATE FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! (this just a gentle reminder dear 🤭) I love u caii. I love the way u think. I love how u write. I love TBil. I love DTC too 🤭

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The Author's Note: ANNOUNCEMENT: I PRESENT TO YOU THE END OF VOLUME 1, "TRUST IN LOVE." . The volume will have an EPILOGUE in a few hours. I am already WARNING YOU that it is about SKYE. If you don't want to ruin this ending for you, do not read it. You have been notified in advance. . PROCEED WITH CAUTION. . TOMORROW! I will take a DAY OFF. I plan to release, AT LEAST, 3 CHAPTERS for the NEXT VOLUME. That would give me time to prepare. But! I will post the synopsis ( just to tease you ;D) . Yes, the next volume will have its own synopsis. It's basically a new book. We'll also have a prologue. I decided to have it as volume 2 to make the sequeal easier to discover. . Upon presenting Volume 2, the title of the novel will change. The cover would also change. I tell you this so you don't get confused when it happens. . THE NEW TITLE will be TRUST AND BELIEVE IN LOVE. . Yes, that means Volume 2 is "Believe in Love." Huehue. I wonder what it awaits us :D . Thank you all so much for journeying with us! This is the first I finish writing one book. I'm very happy and very touched to have you here with me and my characters. I can honestly say that I couldn't have done it without you. I consider myself blessed to have you as part of my life. . Thank you for being the best readers I could possibly dream of. No matter what the future holds, Volume 1 will remain free. I wil also not lock chapters that had already been released. . You don't have to read the rest. You can treat this volume as a stand alone. I would still be grateful for your company throughout one book. . And that is it! Have an awesome two days, lovelies! We hope to still see you around! <3

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Cailin's Mini Corner (or is it mini?) The memories that flooded Logan's mind. 'I want to hold you at any given chance' - moments in the damn closet - spinning her after the laundry disaster - times he hugged her at his bedroom door - holding/carrying her during the mall game 'I want to escort you during any event' - picking her up during the dinner with her family - accompanying her at the swing during the party - walking her to the cafeteria - picking her up from the student council room 'I want to dance with you in my arms' - the dance during the mall game - thoughts from the party probably (unwritten) 'I want to drive you to anywhere you need to go' - driving her to and from The Red Panda Hotel - driving her to school - wished he drove her to Freccia instead of Jae 'I want to argue with you about anything' - Every. Argument. Ever - unable to list because there are too many to mention 'I want to share the same fork when we eat lasagne' - the 'date' he staged at the Stitz Diner - the visit to his mother's grave - the time she fed him when he was sick - the time they shared dessert at the family dinner 'I want to take care of you when you’re sick or whenever you need' - when Alex got sick (because of his meddling in laundry) - when Alex freaked out over her second lost phone - when Alex felt troubled after the interrogation with Carla - when Alex watched as her secret got exposed - when Alex told her story through a play 'I want to make you smile. I want to make you laugh' - unable to list because there are too many to mention. SPARE ME. 'I want to stay by your side as long as you’d be willing to let me' - every scene together without Alex shoving him out the door

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Finally the most awaited moment happened and all the wait was worth it. What was Alex thinking? We didn't get to know her pov. His confession was honest and he does everything in his unique way which is what everyone admires about him. Thank you for the early update dear author. I hope I can read another chapter at regular time? 😆😉 I can sleep peacefully now. Thank you for this confession, dear author. ♥ 💕 🤗

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Oh I loved the confession , loved the whole chapter. The whole book's been amazing😘

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Btw why does author note seem insensible?? 🤣Isbit in some Code that we have to decipher??🧐

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"Feelings acknowledged "....... Boom

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Yay it has happened!!! Now time for me to suffer through the epilogue so I can find more reasons to help skye disappear... lol

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It is the BEST MOMENT for me 😳... I can't describe how I m feeling.... I was waiting for this moment from the very beginning... This journey of first volume was really amazing, fantastic, wonderful and out of this world.... And I will continue to read the volume 2 cuz I can't get enough of them and also one kiss is not enough for them too (😍)... I really enjoyed it 😉 This book allowed me to feel the fun of a college student... I didn't knew I will be feeling this emotional when this volume end but God I m literally feeling my dam of tears will come out soon cuz this pair is so damn A-M-A-Z-I-N-G 💜 ... THANKS A LOT TO OUR LOVELY AUTHOR FOR THIS AMAZING BOOK CUZ WITHOUT U IT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE 🥺😍😍💜💜💜

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I guess there's glitch in author's note. Hope wn fixes it asap.

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😁😁😁sooo happy. Now I can sleep peacefully.

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This is the best chapter ever .I was waiting for this moment. Thanks dear author

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Yyyaaaayyyyy💃💃Finally...Thanx Cai🥰


This is just Awesome ❤️❤️❤️